On and About

the four corners of the world, is a funny way to start, folded like laundry, to a sky swirly; and why just four, unless it was meant to be written on and about, and with a tiny legend, which is our map within a map, mapped onto the space that didn't seem to matter enough on paper.


the attention of a particular corner of the eye, and a twiddling thumb, and down around a walking cane of the c&h variety was causing one particular stir, in the weather.  he adjusted his shade to the rear of him, as if to say, 'here light, bounce off me and therein is a willingness of work and the energies justly applied so as no need to further the marker blotter spotter womber bandit, if you know."  and they did"

the chiropractice was a bit of self loathing, for the white walls and frock mimicked a crazy padded room with locket, and thus was a treasured place to transfer ones arts of martial, into practicing, tho cleaved in nature, a pop whir sprocket wonker for the sum of a shill and a special gerund of your choosing, from a chest of drawers.  blood platelets' cries for sedentary, yet shaved off the built, for a sharp relief of a pair of Frank Jacksons', or a pair of fives had it been a schoolyard mashup.

"So you don't like it there. . ." the women hurriedly took the, as yet to be placed on a wall of mutual choice and unclash-ed wall-to-wall loverly, or to the point of, "or does it even go here at all".  "her head slumped a bit."

"oh it goes.. over there somewhere," was the motion from a cad in the doorway, just in to check on the nothing in particular at the every moment of opporunity to open a bit of mouth and say something with a loud smackery of jest and for the freedom to do so and move about.

"the piles righteous for it," he wriled in with a bit more confidence.  

the woman perked up and took her character wobble up a notch, notched as in a lever to pull up both her arched back and hands to frame and eyes to, oh that was it.. she stopped short of eye contact and grinned widely, and the just-for-that-for-myself, "that's the trash, and I suppoooose that's where you come in, eh Kyle?" she pushed past him in a hurried bit and took her painting up and to her right, turned her head up and left a bit, and rounded the corner around him and off and away "see you later, anyway. . ."  

a great escape, she thought.. and found herself beaming at the light play in the hallway, which precedes the effectiveness of her next entrance, and who might be on time, at the quarter stop like this, a fine afternoon to bobble up wordplay and lightly score some notes, pads, and leisures.  her head popped straight up and forward.

hello Q.

he wrinkled up his smile in all sincerity, to express all in these moments, of the immediate and preceding, wishes and moreover utilization of said energies for a future-tensed nowity, and that was something nice too.

he moved in a kissed her with the bulk of his thick and express lips.  and pulled back just to see her face, and they took a moment to do just that, and her eyes were clear and he told her about the shape, just with his eyes, and his smile, and her expectant glow was more of his, and the that she didn't want to waste absorbing it all at once, and so made that impossible, but supped it enough to keep it at that constancy of, and to the amount she could continue and perfect her perfect look, which he told her she was.

a thin hidden smile crept up around her lips, and it must have come up from her body, because she smiled, and her torso twisted a bit, and she felt very playful, and her short black hair must have been perfect, she thought, and the matching small amount of black eyeliner, and a pale powdered makeup, and just a bit of a simple shirt, and painters pants, new ones.. for her and her workshop, and. . . this. . . painting.

she put it down, gently and towards a grated chair that was in her small office, and Q eyed the art, and noted how the cali-graphic lines matched eve's body and face, for today especially, and he told her so.

"you'll be doing milk commercials, anytime soon," he brushed his finger along the edge of the black frame on white canvas, then took his other hand and slid it up eve's hip and his eyes fell onto her slightly swollen belly."

"oh yeah.. THAT milk.. got it," she grinned.  "and anyway it goes better in my own office, she flicked her hand across the top frame and then took Qs hand into hers for another continuity of moment"

Q handed her a dossier, and she sat down and opened the manilla and looked it over, just a glance at a time.  "Still at you, aren't they.."

"Just a bit.. the London fog didn't impress them enough, and the Times are all over these guys in town, so its time to. . . " he looked into the envelope and she fished out a smaller red card and pulled it up towards him to check his approval, as she unfolded it and read it out loud."

"The formerly and former formally alliterate your obligatory obliteration towards the onney onside of a sunny sided die ooey spot frondle botter on the wee end of fiddle, and the misses and I will be there just to cut the chord and settle up just and to the right or left, depending how you dress, and . . " 

It says d.o.t., she went on: "don't read this bit twice or you're really gonna get it.  April 1 on the twentieth of twenty-one blackjack courts"  

he grinned.  she grinned. she got up and swung her arms around him, with the card as loose leafed and lettered as could be of possible positives and their offspringy outcomes.

"and then a show. . . " she stammer smiled into him some more and tagged his upper ear with her tongue

"whether or not permitting" he smiled, and they both smiled and there was some gnawing and light-wet whispers about the this and that and forwards thinking, as fast to mediums and connective tissued levity, the two were just swooning in love, and there was a bit of a pop, and he looked down past her chin, and she stopped for a quick stall of a grin, and they looked up and giggled, and they imagined a bit of the all-together, and geneva training or not, it was surely thrice on the metre, iambic or the etc., for which we've come to know and love as in the pits of a cherry, as longing for the tree of seasons and a bowlful of, and etc.,

. . .

"well.  this is just.. I mean.. its just, now isn't it.  the place has got all the matter of factoid latices in the universe, per se one and not other, or they'll all come and join us, till springtime, no less and more, and will it.. will there be enough chairs to intact a perfection, or will be be needing the box of infinite monkeys again, with a pair of cats to guess at which one is going to lock us up?"

Eve picked this up from Q., backwards and forwards, he would say and grin with her. and topple and bottomed, yes, indeed, her crinkle flickered just and the more and about those of earlier and still the same, as the light spins around and round which spins up stories, for and even and oddly those case to play in a headiness which only their angular craniums seem to put a mind to.


they both hummed... that was another of the things.. she put her hand down where she could see it, and imagined a hum in place, and a place and places more for that, in all the varieties of ways, to their unending means and time for time again.

. . .

Are you wrapping up here? its presently presentry and the foregone inclusion of a days to miss in these offices has certainly lit up a smile too move about and pecker,  peckish?  as in the hen, naught."

"he can peck around at the salad, if we were to head around a place like that, you know its wild that part of town"  and it was"

Piccadilly, then, or the imagined kind.  what state and minds are we full in and about again these days?  oh you'd better not

she grabbed his hat a flushed it down around his eyebrows, and grabbed his hand and his umbrella, and they were on and off around this place and away to the naughter farmed out bliss-fit wonker trollop sundanced festival, lightly screened for the silver tongued devil in their eyes tonight. click.


and this hour, is gently your hour to find a glass of hours, sans sand, if you like, and re-enjoy the pleasant bits of onder, and with an about hashtag ooey gluons to fit the bill, this has been a weathering of a light audible range of whimsery, or planning, to the must, and willed only by your near poured over pores of light snackery, we find each other again in this time and spacial, special denote to note, the out landish landed dark side of a radio moon silenced no more, and with a disbelief, as character shifteries blend a line into a blotter frond, and a seedling to grow you into, some more of it again.  this is aquq q. 


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