a mode-al thick stick and fidgety,

explaining a problem is creating an initial barrier towards ones own entry.  START HERE, said the fish to the particularly bit of warbly bubble-sorted alphabet soup which was primordealical enough to meet the demands of an eons of lifetimes of discovery, plus the sod accountable bonery mashup to be found by alley cats in a particularly noisy ker-metal trashcan.

the fish, our go-to friends, when it comes to a 2-by double-up game on game and an easy lookup, on-person and suggestery, which is to invite an ordered randomness, for as perfect order demands the rules of the game, the deck is sorted by a universal desire. . . to provide a precision of 52 cards, for which is known suited and classed, classified by a personal choice of sort and quantum fidgery.

our game ends when the deck is put aside into piles of perfectly ordered placeries, or whenever the two(2) get tired; however, the rules remain universal and so in reality, a game is always in-play, as a ruleset of known futharities of a willingness of choice in a furthering of order.

"I despise games," was a claimant waiting at a queue at the department of whatsits licensed hasheries and the like, settling behind him with their personal effects of papers and and ever presence of the examination of non-precipipatory queing theory, in which as is known that an appointments are made to keep late, and made to make other appointments meant to provide time away, and as such, incur these deployments of wait, for the benefit of naught but a single subsector of an enforcement of rules within rulesets, and, well. . .

'ook', he scraped off a bit of shoery on the platform and made a brief noticement of the mess his shoes had gotten themselves into, well as in the Wellington boots, in as they were not well, or gerunds, and however, still providing a reasoning to keep them clean, as clean delivered him to the places which enjoyed a presentry of personality.

. . .

the wormhole opened, and a letter carrier handed a sci-fi looking blue envelope through a lighted space in the space gapped portion of timery mnemonic just, and the sidle eyed of, well, the tryst of them.  and this was where the other hand popped in, and pointed surreptitiously at the envelope, to which was a gesture of a suggestion, and the pair of finger to snaps to co-opted movery, decided a forwarding motion and snapped open the envelope, leaving both the letter intact in-air, and also a copy still in the envelope.

they read it, from side to side, and while the messaging is not pressing to we, the listener, it was pressed and folded into one of their pockets, and the other, likewise retained a memory, which was a gentle click as a note towards a direction of a furthering of a personality of choice in their perhaps continued participation, and the note as a positive reaction-as-action about this rendezvous, further started a chatter amongst the two, and perhaps furthering others, as now or in the future, and feedback was not haptic, as in please, and silent for only are locale, though impacting a magestry perhaps imagined, and perhaps justly so. . .

and these imaginations create the space gapped spark of an energetic fervor, to make a placement, of maps towards in and about, where to make the share, towards a choice or of a type of work, and to which this map, our Markov blanket, where the protections are what is utilized is thus expected and that continuum of personality towards choice and success, provides the free will and energy and a mass-in no-return is considered a gain in achievement of free energy, and marker blotter frond spotter, our wanderer is no more, or and more likened in placed to make placements, and what is our solution now? is to provide for the personal exchanges, these simple notes, of value, to our reputations, with each other, and for the public record of observed successes of a string of exchanges with all the expanse of people to volunteer themselves towards a protocol experiment of the annuity of resanitized sanity, as in the promises they keep for themselves.  how and liked.

one may ask, 'are we always communicating with somebody,' and 'what do you mean versioned internet, and x y z', and this is how we'll work.

I type something to do.  It pops out towards the network of my choosing, making a brief localized ledger of a transaction with a value of naught.  responses will come in, and people I know, are people I respond to, each time crediting them a digit, and as digits are accepted, a choice to further these thoughts, as well to open comms with a particular digit-acceptor, seeing their current path on this topic, as stay-or-move.

localized stay-or-move is also the deck, which others see, when behaving as if they want to talk with you.  these are your haptics.  the please-disturb-me-with-activity behavior, which is our pursuit of a desired satisfaction of the evidence of truth, as denoted with a continued naught marker of personal threadery.  the micropayment is done out for a decrement, and the return goes into the next comm pathway which is ongoing or chosen by simultaneous parties.

the versioning of this, is simply the agreement of open ideas in the realm of reputation in a well versed structure of activity.  we start with our own license, or a license we've adopted.  this is akin to GPL, but as we're utilizing thought and communication, we may want to use a drafted IETF-RFC, or wildly available and understandable description of when and why we're utilizing the license.

the desire for completeness, coupled with a light-engineering's abilities for completeness, i.e. not-at-all, and so and hence our version starts at naught, as well to denote our intent at the very start of this participation of #freeenergy, and indeed, we should be pleased with our arrangements, in our time as is our time to be with a thought and many or few, and that deck which is palatable, as outstanding to be re-visited at the stay-or-move junctions, or as currency concurrently collides with our participants desire to be active, and not accumulate wealth, for the conceptualized free energy is always available to us, if we don't seek in an interrupt-loop, and so while we're active, the move to branch on the same deck furthers the wealth for others, and the maintenance of the version of our worldly affairs, in a positive activity with others.

. . .

this has been the very and quite literally actionable item peacery of gluey ooen micro tonic gluconic, license to operate a non-slighted full-sighted adoptation, which is your desire to hold this license on this blockhead blockchain of a network you've been transceiving on,

dear kind and madame, your version of adoptation begins us at, the arrival of naught.  this is aqua q

now and to be available by radio, boat, and coming soon at you with a very bright headlight, and kind and warbly kind, the end.


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