
 radio activity from the half lives at origin fused fusion blissed out orbitals of chewy bacca gum and hair on edge towards a goosery of cold fronted efficiency to bulb around a circle and splash literature and fill a mint with flavor for the tungsten zig zag glowey bits.

X-ray that, locked still cameras on backed up plush retinas as pillows to lounge in dreamery states of ooey goooey and weather-sum frocks to lift them higher.

reap and lenish towards the refill, draw it back and hold, not at all like a wet drop botter stop where goblets fresh drain into the underlings of worldly globes meant to see in 270 directions, and towards oneself.

it was a day like today, well it always is, now, and isn't it just, and so.

the sirs and madams of roundlings pop a seat up and down to frolic or frog lick, or hop across the road with 3 lives to live without pushing an arcade game along with it.  remember that?  offshoot

so we do talk around it, like 2 types of hands and 9 times the feet, back to our fusion, the one we keep saying goes hot and cold yet is all and all around and in facts and leisure are just, and us. see?

how else were we meant to say it was free at a cost not to print it on a billboard for everybody to see.  that's quiet and inexpensive.  the bits that spin forward also put their spin back, don't and you'll know in any account, with knee pads meant to drive forward the bits that not aught to touch down ground, unless you have a lifetime of padding and responsibilities to clean up after somebody.

digression is the dipole signal amplifier of a regression, only twice as sidewise with double the airwaves.  

just when diet soda was around, a child thought it might be, and a good idea to start one.. only kid sense is triple the waveform and the oookery immediate showed us this was not the diet for us, but maybe in 20 or some odd years.

so back to people, or rather those that wouldn't be noticed if they weren't ranting on about the somebody and else.  note the 'got' and put it in a milk commercial with its hundreds of meanings of inflection, direction, spotted owl howled naughterly and upfront gizzards making nonsense is what the half style of a half worded sentence was meant for me to understand.  peek a ram buoy and pokery at the cross down western grip, and find out who patterned their feet after daddy, yes he points too, just like that one.  got what, said the who is they man, rest upticular, and stuff a sock if that reclines you to bother a naught blotter stop or wipe the equipment clean after use, shake once and stir gently if you've even got yourself a double zero and a remainder of non divide to hold a digit to this card, you know the one I'm holding, divine, showing me to you and vaught versed, so you'll believe it.  

well and well that's your 100 percentile daily valuation, but I'm not stopping the gob, nope its per and petted gently as in perpetual and stead fast is only staying in stillness so that one may move towards the unwar, and re-twine the pulleys that play this record, imprinted impressed, and pressed not wrecked, even in a home where the parents couldn't stand upside down on the ceiling with their child prodigy, different astrology, or so they put two meter sticks on the wall to size it up, super fab, and with that, this has been the willing frondululus expert notionery notary republic, of the again seen once and more, from the isle of man, in and the always pampered and about text aqua q c 3 w.  this sundery sunday of the January kind of twenty twenty one, make it a card.


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