
its the heading and quorum of quora dot com to lively and livingly ask questions which can be believable to answer, and vices and versas, with a visa to do so, I do, and this is aqua q with the dissertations for the believability of a sustainability with abilities from a noble and gaseous wit, satisfied with a satisfaction of elemental reasoning of spin and orientation in these matters of charged discharge of information for each and every - and here is now :

If energy cannot be created and gravity works constantly, then why does the Earth's gravitational energy not 'run out' since it is not coming from any other energy 'source'?

gravity’s constant is known to be near or identical to time itself, and as time postulates itself by the transfer of material between matter and light, as imagined, and as light as energies have no friction and can be operated from far away, this brings our origin to ourselves in its constant and continuation of our spin, from our very electron, and up and through the planet, ionic and helical, and as we continue to spin and offshoot energies in transferences and draw in from our core while simultaneously emanating, we provide and what is provided is this equilibrium in our verses of the gestalt carries us in spacial time which is understood to be continuous, and thus is. and in this closed loop, with and infinity of accessibility, energies of the kind in kind of kindness will never deplete, for the purposes of participation of all systems rely on the very physics which operate all material and optionally, light itself. — more can be observed on a semi regular basis at Aqua Q Labs; a subtext

 — peace + love from /ˌsæn fɹənˈsɪskoʊ/, aqua q c 3 w

Why can we not live on the Sun?

even as astral sometimes-material or light, the sun’s energies require to be requited by our matching ionosphere and ionic energy reversals within our planet, and thus, our lives are how we know each other and our travels take us where we welcome each other, and thus the sun as a poorly habitable place, has not been traveled to welcome another on or near around, and so on with that.. sun, we love you, but not to visit. peace + love from /ˌsæn fɹənˈsɪskoʊ/, : c 3 w

Can finite exist independent of nothingness?

for any thing to exist it must be comparable, and thus nothingness is just that and does not exist, and to answer your question of finite, is only as material witness to what i available to view as a continuity of the knowness; in other words the ending portion which is only observable to the extend where the observer has just and given up towards the transition of energies for which the infinite is the continuum and continuation. peace plus ever and ongoing love from /ˌsæn fɹənˈsɪskoʊ/, :: aqua q c 3 w addition notities to be found at aquaqlabs dot com :)

Why is it cooler in the deep underground than on the surface? Surface heat comes from the sun, but where does the cool temperature originate?

the offset of our sun’s ability to heat the surface and the same from the core of our planet, meeting at some crusty levels in between, is where the temperature is temperate for humans, beneath lesser so, and so the cooling is in fact both the absent of light, not only carried on with our oceans as a fixture of temperature deep below the levels that humans survive.. well that’s mostly it I think.. the oceans cool our planet and keep the deep levels cool, and while under pressure, while water does not pressurize itself, the weight of water as a surrounding mass, keeps a steady cold hand on the plate tectonics and likely is siphoned into the planet to further provide a vein for cooling. hum.

Importance of environmental conservation?

its our very nature to, naturally provide as life what materials are required for ourselves and our likened kind, as well as a set of instructions to say, roadmaps as to our successes which can be replicated when cleaned and followed, thus reciprocating for the all who participate. our short story involves a caterpillar and as well its mate and also the organisms which provide the returning nutrients to the soil and very plant which our caterpillar sits and eats atop and discovers his place in his lifetime amongst the lifetimes of others in likened kind.

the importance should be and is obvious in all aspects, and noted by our divide of physics, chemistry, and all the sciences, and when combined as a simple observable actionable sequence of life and livelihood, the well, and well off and on and on again make and keep this discovery in their successes as they proceed with the furthering of the creation of life; and that is our survival, at the very least and only what is actually required for this whole spherical thinking to work as a process of processes, and they carry us and we carry on with and for it, life itself. more can be read about our character, the caterpillar and his apparent appearance within this associated podcast from Aqua Q Labs; a subtext

 via this direct link: ecosystemics

 — peace+love from /ˌsæn fɹənˈsɪskoʊ/, :: aqua q c 3 w

How did we transition from living in the ocean to coming on land?

I would imagine, that if life began from space, as our planet is spacial so very likely our material stems from that origin, and so with 75% water and likened our bodies of humanity are also thus, I kind and think along the lines of the ‘primordial soup’ which was not like an ocean at all.. but more to your point, have we ever left the ocean? in totality with our 75% water, and salted electrolytically at that, we’re much like an ocean, however warm blooded and seeking the core of the earth as we travel in globule fashioned spinnery towards the planet and the warmth of the sun. our transition does not even include the ocean per se, as we’re buoyant, and can’t digest seawater nor live in its below temperate temperatures and while soaking our semi permeable skin in its brine.. and so… I may be way off on a time basis of discovery, but for what is human we know, and to further suppose your questioning, any portion of our being which enjoys a beach, enjoys land, as we do, and a deep seating in the ocean would likely put us on at the surface, where ne’er could be done for our livelihood in a far off and away setting as a whale might enjoy. to be eaten perhaps, as any of us trying to live in those climates would find, and fast. so heady perhaps elements of life which have been discovered, only provide the observability of what successes has worked in all lives and as compared with genetic material, may indicate a base level of encoding which is not fully understood, although likely is a simple map of our place of origin and the paths and hurdles or simplistic gestures more likely, and our continuation in the abstract of life which exists simultaneously all across the planet, as a sort and sorted astral imagination and cross breeding of ideas. i don’t believe man looks to the deep sea for thought, as I believe water itself as well as the facing downward to do so would be offsetting of our light bearings of motion.. and so very little could be build as homogenic and substantively cohesive as living progress in those directions… and a bit more of that can and should be discovered at Aqua Q Labs; a subtext

 with peace+love c 3 w

How are dust bunnies formed? And if they're dustbunnies, why aren't they layers of hardened dust? How do they become so cottony soft?

static electricity. the dust is mited, a bit whirly and the strands in the air collect a static charge from the air to ground. for this same reason, as formed from above ground at some level, they drop and collect a charge, and as they fall or collect on one other, this charge creates a fluffery because the strands surrounding a spec of dust are so slight, and eaten in irregular pattern by mites. enjoy your dust. they do. aqua q. aquaqlabs.com

Why is experiment necessary for theory?

try all you want to get it on the first try, your thinking or idea of a working system will readily be tested by anybody, and so that starts with you, if you wish to name the theory and participate with the word, as part of the described scientific method.

this is not to say that truth cannot be known (see the double negative, I hate that, but anyway) to be testable within the realms of science, they must chart and be available to the means in which our sciences operate as each and as the many.

further, experimentation, since you asked, must follow that order of a hypothesis at first, and not a random experimentation in which you discover something random to describe as truth, and in this manner utilizes the brain and our knowledge of all the systems we practice in our profession to learn and be learned, etc. within these systems, and further indicates to us the good measure, literally, as confirmation of our ability to perceive truth, reciprocally for truth itself and these many systems which operate for us to perceive. good system, eh? it very likens nature, in which a desire for action is taken and the results provide an immediate actionary correlation in spacial materials and partial observability to the effects to be utilized justly.. the keyed upshot is choice, of course, hence our need to declare our intentions within science to proceed with the signage and paperwork of and about it — peace+love aquaqlabs.com

What are considered good deeds?

it is likely, as likened by the promotion of another for all the likeness of oneself and another observable aspects for and about the it, which is our deed but also the success of a deed to be complete and within a physics which equals the perception of the word, as also observable, which is included as per above. this description is much and alike life's natural and abilities to proceed in reciprocality, which provides our energies to and for another and for the parties to party on and on, forward and in reversal which is also forward towards others. and this is how an atom works, and why we spin at all. peace+love, from /ˌsæn fɹənˈsɪskoʊ/, Aqua Q Labs; a subtext

 aqua q c 3 w

What is the difference between truth and dialectics?

funny, you should ask. a difference is exacting and what a dialectic is, wherein truth is the absolute you intend to reason yourself into, perhaps easily, or more likely with a fervor which provides for your desires for your abilities and means to perhaps argue and win, or perhaps initially to define and describe your own methodology to be followed, as a linguistic elegance of nature, natural as in language, and although discoverable, one may find our positioning for truth at some angles, are disclosed in language with our many meanings for the same word, and as inflected and placed and paused, indicates the direction and parties involved in the truer forms, as believed, and indeed as natural inescapable truths in those moments, although further in time these may prove and disprove, by further altering the orientation of the observable components for the truth one wishes to describe or begin detailing it to a degree which a simplistic nod no longer suffices.

and so. you find yourself here. and in the future you may be tensed to know that you’ve passed a past and presently, may be a new gifted wink for you and others to chatter over and discover the only absolute, which is the carrying on from such matters as discovers and discoverable, and forward in that thinking, and precise as naturally able to be chemically understood and in a natural setting such as known to our consciousness, as we operate it ourselves and with that bit of nonobservance, which is needed for the un-altering dissemination of our closest and proximity of truth to allow nature to continue its function, as life worth living.

more on and about chatterings found here, and at Aqua Q Labs; a subtext

 in further, even fictional writings which mimic truth as near as my willingness to lay characters down to a spinny warbly thing and send it into space — aqua q

Why are all viruses parasites?

viruses utilize in a fashionable means to solely produce for its own kind, ne’er a thought or action to be reciprocal for a system, an justly so as physics of our bodies is concerned, as we are for our bodies, and other like bodies in kind are kind to us. viruses are not are are right and out, as we propose for them, sneeze! and onto another perhaps, see? using our own mode of a savior to further itself on another, foolery and time again, to give anything to a virus is to be taken by this very fashion which helps and tools itself, which by design is our ability to discover and rid ourselves of it, and because its only reciprocality is in this matter, it carries on and we carry on with the behavior of being at each other, and that is in actuality what it desires, to be at literally our throats, as an entry and exit point, and laughable, even to that point, if a virus does even learn to read vocal chords, it may attempt to convince even own own subconscious, that its in and of itself, a pretty good idea, and that perhaps with luck it’ll all work out, of course meaning and the mean part of itself meant to be and get its way and your way is, out, which it believes you want, as it see itself as reciprocal to yourself, without the very concept that is is different, as it has no perspective on systems of living to maintain its own body by any means, and never will, because it sucks at it, and us, and we suck at it to, which is probably how it learned that in the first place, and firsts are everything and carry it only as far as its inability to be successful, and it is successful, and so that particular reasoning for itself, carries on and on and on.

dissertations continue at Aqua Q Labs; a subtext

 - peace+love

What will happen in society without science and technology?

as both science and technology exist and have existed in societies for many years, you must be indicating a backwards traveling wherein we suddenly believe that a belief and its accompanying actions no longer exist or are workable. so we start with technology, as this makes a lot of people upset due to its dissemination beyond the timelines of nature, applied to many and sometimes all aspects of living for the many, as not yet understood, and in very often cases, encased in deep and glued plastic encapped with the insignia of a corporate wealth not to be trusted much across the country of origin, if even that. so further, we look at technology, perhaps as an extension of sciences, where of course science is required to replicate a technology such that can be used with any degree of.. well usability. and so intertwined may be those who wish to dissolve one and thus the other, with their forward procession of backward compatibility in their resolve to do so, and thus here is the crux:

those that didn’t learn it in the first place, are subject to another predisposition to discount any availability from the onset of another, and this very obvious non discourse can never be backed up, and turns and turns on itself as only enforceable by might (and mightier) dark clouds and unwieldy wieldment of an armory of nonsensical movement of arms, upwards very likely which naturally indicates the only direction they care and ask without a recording and process to process the results. and as each individual discounts the markup markings of each others successes, we find ne’er each other or any mapping, and this continuation, to answer your questioning fully, leads to many becoming said leader in the whilings he or their group can devise a means to fool and mask the physics with irony these days, in technology, used to spread masses of disinformation, not for the disinformation itself, but the vastness of variety of non sensical thinking which goes on, including the images and soleality of a concept in random space time, as our brains are now accessed, by the technology that we possess and possesses us, at a cost and costing us, and like and a kin without a family fond, and etc.

so we’re left then with our continued distrust further, of technology as its betrayed us as we see it, and there goes our society.

its odd that you ask such a question, as science at many points in the success of living has been absolute and proven to provide, and even as recently as science is used to market dog food to perhaps dogs watching televisions themselves, it is still accurate in its methodologies and thus produces the results we put into it, as a workable system.. and technology, well, as stated above.. has been put into the hands of the many at a high cost to themselves, and the others who are wielded against, e.g. our internet at large, which briefly was an observation of how a system operates, as Unix from the 1970s, even down to file permissions, which indicated our perception of how natural beings interact, and how our networks and filesystems mimic our own brains and natural societies themselves. the further brief is that we dumbed down systems so that we could dumb down people, or provide the word smart a simple dollar cost to any participant who wished to be.. and hence, they displaced themselves and the others.. and that is a natural reciprocality at work.. and it continues to work in a suck and suck fashion, and when two people suck, it just doesn’t work out at all, and so that goes and is likely likened to the smart party, doesn't matter which is actual, jumping out of a row boat, and leaving the other party scattered around with either a boat or an ore, and deciding how to survive with the remainder of unusable material and their uncertain location in spacial time.

and hence. this has been a bit and about the writings from Aqua Q Labs; a subtext

 — peace

If kinetic energy is converted to thermal energy upon impact, how many times do you need to slap a chicken to be able to cook it?

I think you’d prefer a quick rubbery, that is to rub, and use a friction, unless you intend to tenderize the chicken at first, and to joke, it depends how flat the chicken is, and also how alive it is, whether warm or cold etc. but I could imagine, and also its your material if you chose the friction route, although also consider the roughness which would tear apart the very chicken.. so perhaps.. you also consider the waste, or in our case, a chicken mcnugget. . . and onward this thinking continues, but I jesterly conjecture that there is no kinetic energies to be solely utilized in cooking a chicken to the 165 some odd degrees required to be eatable for a human. well and even rarely said to that point, it is now known to be true on quora :)

Why couldn't God just kill Satan?

o0; good one, get it? well, as in wellness, the speed at which life carries on is the exacting needs to provide for life itself, in its totality as a continuous system, and so, Satan exists to expedite itself sometimes as unnoticed, and enough so in facts that provide only a partial view if only that which is seen on a surface temperature, of which temperature is indeed utilized as in our friendly-so snake, as depicted, and as like, any reflection of nonmagnetic silver no less, further depicts only an image, and not an astral sensory, unless as projected from an interior and outwards to those willing to observe those particular angles of imagery. this is straying from the point, and to your question, far removed is again your answer, and given the nature involved, and thus choice, life chooses to not destroy matters of further choice, unless not deft enough to cause destruction itself outside of the laws of physics.

more p.s. on the projected nonobservance of said latter creature and creatureties, tied to themselves and their means to enforce their own rules out of fear of their own necks, we find, and find them quite and easily, and there are so many of them, at least the unsuccessful or willing to adopt and allow others their options to further do so, that anyway, death is not an option for an entirely of sometimes always some ways or another, and our furthering option on the matters involved are to utilize our primary and light energies, directed towards those with the means to reciprocate that light, as light given to the shadows lead to an only and luckily temporary displacement and amazement of anybody caring to look into those shadows, and however magnificent the spectacle, the powers which drive life and light are simply not available for the long term sustenance of even our planetary systems, and further any observance in a manor corollary to a pure utilization with observance and without a 

dissemination of the properties of living, and to be specific, a specified cancelling of messaging in a language designed and maintained to zero out energies, and thus not carry any messaging of a natural form of life, and still somehow carry the matters and matter only which contains a possibility of death, and however one may believe in their allegiance to one side or the other, the temperate goes on, and with any ferver of excitement leads the possibility of the luxury of one or another, leading to an offset and temptation, as is our origin of issue in these matters, and just typing this message, I can see the acknowledgement of fact, and it as these stages, when one might be inclined to confuse attendance with power, and as attended, tend to power such visionary ideas as pretend they come from oneself, and further may mock their own discounting of such an encounter, and be known that this message is relayed in a manor as to observe what messaging works to dissuade you from operating within a realm of, in this case, the other, which is only evident in these comparisons, as life is one another, and continuing this message is what we are designed to do, and so this foolery will fool ourselves every single time, and the apple. . . well they’re delicious, and how did I know that? and you?

well, we have a whole, and a lot, and then some, and the opposing forces keep us at opposite ends, with us in the middle, grounded, for the most part, and we with our luxury envision the change and emanate the electrics as the bits of light which are sometimes particles, as they bind and naught leave us.. as the aptly named atom, in these figures of measuring the successes of living, lives influence on life is continuous and forever, as is the definition of continuity.. and just who is the other guy? well he’s like that wolf in the story.. enough of you and as much as you provide for it, to base itself on yourself and your own abilities to just process the bits which you believe are greater, without the full knowledge of what was possible before you learned to forget the singularity which we couldn’t tell you about.. not at the beginning and thus not ever, be thankful for that — how instantaneous a disaster that would have been to be told about it wrongly over and over again for an eternity.. carrying on with this paradigm for a bit, just as its understood widely, and so as indicative to further my precept that a beginning is only known as discovered, and discovery is the facts of living. we can just step back, if that were an option - which is really is not - but to imagine a snake with a somehow answer, it thinks to the initial onset of even itself.. odd that it wouldn’t know it was to ask a question, and perhaps did or perhaps did not.. would it tell us now and could we believe it? well likely some do, and so this carries life and a lesson in deceit forward, in a matter of speaking.. in actuality that’s the sort of thing I may have been told as well; however I believe truthfully that those same rules still and apply to any system in motion.. and motion is what we do.

good luck, and in, sincerity that is exacting wishful thinking for a party and party alone, and once along, as zero does, and without that simple twist, and the energies to hold that twist for the eternity that eternity deserves.. and you can lick your chops all you like, it's simple and it works where we stand, and that point is fixed and permanent in its.. well that would be telling…. and in any event.. oh here we go again ;)

peace plus the globulous incredulous credible for the edible, if you so choose, livable lifetimes of these and for the many and more and even moronic by means if kind and in ways, with a bit more of this and that and even and the other, oddly for a time which allows for the benefactor to factor, if not to divide, or if only to float, the decimal point - and on that point, try also the orders and magnitudes which bring our gestalt, and . . . if there was more, I would let you discover it, wouldn’t I? that’s just a little play on words.. you can look it up, anyway.. and with that, this has been and is aqua q from the isle of man in and about /ˌsæn fɹənˈsɪskoʊ/, :: c 3 w


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