metal and water

the novel discovery of metal, as one digs for the reasoning of discovery, in the dirt as a child, perhaps just to dig a hole.  clink.

clink.  hum.  azmeth found something.  brush brush, tap tap.  he digs around it and leverage perhaps an oblong angular edged object, tiny.  it feels a bit alive perhaps, and its new.  so he digs it out and plays with it in his hands.  he notices its shininess, as the sun reflects onto his eyes and he puts it in some water, and watches the light play around it.  he takes it out and feels the wetness on the metal, and the new coolness.  a cool rock, perhaps.  and his hand get cold, and the metal warms up again, and so does his hand over time, and he carries it with him, just over to a fire, where they're preparing a mealy breakfast from grain.

he shows it to his fellows, and places it by the fire and watches again as the lights glimmer.  excited now, as are the electrons within the metal, he places it in the fire, and has his breakfast and thinks about what is now to be new and forever for him and his lifetime and the lifetimes of others.  he has an immediate use for it now, as he uses a wood stick to push it out of the fire and onto the hearth rocks.  its still hot.  very hot, and he starts to chip away at it with some rocks he's sharpened on other larger rocks.  he is indeed able to scrape away the metal, and some of it is glistening on his hand, and the rock, and he finds a larger rock and now it throwing rocks onto the hot metal and watching it deform slightly, and he throws it back into the fire, where he works at it with a large rock he's affixed with twine to his stick, hammering at it at the edge

this is, not actually how metals were discovered, but in rocks, likely formed into fire pits and melting off copper, which was noticed in a dead fire and recovered as shiny objects, malleable by hand, using only wood and rocks to sculpt and save. . . but our azmeth has discovered the discovery of thinking by action, and as he naturally moves for the sake of moving, and onward, this is his lifestyle.

the action item of this story is to what degree we've removed natural metals rock, and with its properties, how that has re-organized our planet as electrical discharge and connectivity.  surely we can make a telephone call across the country on copper alone, its been done, and alone we are, we think, on this person to person call, with a mechanical switch, or perhaps still an operator who acts mechanical and plugs you into your own voice, as it echos back on the trunk, and to your party of choice.

humans and metal.  our bodies use metal naturally, of varying kinds, and for various reasonings for our various organization of organs and their protection, but what happens when you touch it?

well you're grounded, to earth, and the metal while in your hand, will allow you discharge into it, and back through your body at the shortest electrical path, and back to earth.   this means if, as we do, walk around with electrical energy, or a natural static closeness, as communication, those signals are deadened to earth, as the power which powers it, light and blood and the synaptic brain, close by, are focused now towards those arcs of power to ground, where the story is now stowed, if powered by kinetic motion, as in walking around, and where water can be lifted from the ground, in the form of the historical information which was left along.

fruits react to metal as well, to oxidize, where a similar displacement of liviless has interrupted, this time, our precious metals which return to earth, and now less efficiently.  take this into humans with an internal metal availably, and introduce fruits, especially citrus.  well the oxidation impairs the internal body to signal itself, and any overlapping portion of existing communication, and as water has van der waal long range bodies of a wealth of knowledge, as in the ground of motion we just discussed, perhaps too does metal, as the circuit pathways for ourselves, and perhaps how we touch our organs internally as well as put hand on metal doors, and leave finger prints behind.. perhaps the metal maintains its antenna-like properties for the length of time those similar metals are within our bodies.

then we have bone, which conducts sound so well, you can feel it vibrate, as our skull is a long range sound chamber, wherein actual audio is articulated with our larynx and projected up into our heads and teeth, and sometime spoken out with tongue and a vibrating belly of air, perhaps to instruct people as to your direction, in an attempt to find comfort.

how metals affect hunger, perhaps is their abuse by food and our desire to replenish our circuitry to optimum.  in reality, motion will settle the metal to their marble state of neutrality within the body to provide this circuitry; however abused, we continue this seek of health through food which tastes good.  metal has a taste too, as that stingy alkaline in reaction to the electrolytic saliva which is meant to bind with it, and tries to in fact, as it leeches the metal away.

a course of leeches, the old doctor pottered.  sucking things out of the body were a good idea, however gross in practice, it gave people the concept that you could remove toxins with external help, and not just waste a wait away, waiting for the loo to occur. in actuality, the transdermal nature of the skin only transfers what the pores are capable of, and thus a forced 'suck' will only offset a natural scent, and likely cause more internal unrest as the fluids clash and combine in a disorganized ooze.

so back to our problem, which is now compounded and multiplied, with this oxidized and irregular circuitry, our antenna, and our bodies sloshing glucose and citrus perhaps, and combined with water, which maintains this as above, and in the past and over spacial time, as does our proposed metals in nature, and in fact, other people, including now the water we pass, as a combinatory of all of these, including perhaps the very molecules which integrated the upset of electrical polarity.  its as if we're in the south pole, while living in the north pole, where the water behaves opposite, and the metals still behave to magnetic north, both, remember upset at this arrangement of spinny electrons, imagine a collision and deadening, when they should be corollary and complimentary.  in fact they are still corollary, but the and has dropped.

so it appears however we walk, either north to south, or east to west, we either further upset the water, or pull the metals apart as we carry on.  we do have our levels of staticity; however we find that through either staticity, the water still moves around us, as do metals and the earth and people move, which brings me to the iron core for some reason. and the sun and moon.  specifically I'm thinking of the moons pull on water, underground, and its subsequent heating near underground by the sun during the day time.  perhaps resetting the floor as it cleanses our stories away from our daily travels, and as the iron is continually hot, those stories perhaps travel towards the core, in their own form and with the metals on their way and within, which is perhaps why our return to earth is variant depending on the conductor, as in these cases, every polarity point towards earth, through whatever it touching ground, likely our feet, and combined with gravity, as in the push the earth pushes back to us, includes this access to the bits of combinatory near metal and water.

the maths are quite impossible, and that is where sentience and sentients work to survive and become erect, as in homo sapiens.  imagine a population lying on their backs and the electrical discontinuity they would have with both the planet, and each other, if stories were told into water in the ground, as well as in the sky electrically, connected by our conductive and transductive bone.  well. . . we do lay down, and that is why we sleep together, to maintain our orientation with our bones in space.

so again, our problem to undo, is not to redo, but to do do, hah.  yes that's where the gut warbles in the exacting untangling need to expel at all the corollary  reversible tubular membrane sets of motions, clearing you once again for a dry path forward, and in the direction of your choosing.

there is also a gastro-intestinal reflex, wherein food triggers this action, and vices to versa, the same triggers a desire for food.  this is simply our vacuum system, from end-to-end, yet can be toned through motion.

its almost as if we need another system to carry this waste of waste of waste, i.e. our mucked of reversal of polarity water and oxidized metal antennas, and that system is, in fact, healthy humans.  the problem remains, that a bit of humanity required to fix another, affects slightly, and to a greater degree over time, their abilities to feel comfort in their own maintenance, proceeds with their need for help from others, and so this network of help continues, each being affected, and etc.

so our problem now is not just recovery, if at all possible, but the maintenance of others through the care of oneself, and how that feels is very much in some sort of spreading overlaps over metals and water, how others feel in their own ways and means.

the solution here, is simply not a just solution, as in the mixture, and it is precisely the use of usable systems to travel and recover from the sky to earth, and in directive contact, that spark, which like a lighting storm, quite literally recharges our ground electrics, at their electrically closest i.e. nearer and in need paths towards local return, and in the case of sperm, naturally is body to body, and body within body as shielded return allows for internal clarity.  this survival trait to procreate, additionally provides the map, in air, electrically of the desired and exacting instructions in fact, in real time, and over time, so that anybody can find each other at all for this electrical healing.

and so the sky remains.  and the body tremors, as an insulin shot may induce, should you be thankfully blessed with that abundance of electrics, and not a bag of ionic water with oxidized metals.

final things to consider before we reach line 42, are: the anti-citrus, and anti-leaching glucose - and that is likely electrical, as only electricity can travel within the body faster than glucose.  well.. there's light, which is likely what we may need: to generate and transfer light electrics and re-polarize, as in our planetary reversal, which is occurring now or in the nearest future i believe, and will likely promote migrations, or perhaps they'll just lose their taste for meat, as metals change in the bodies.

at any rate, and that's precisely 9.8 meters per second per second, accelerated change is constant, and the return is still ground, last I checked by sitting here, although preferred, for the many, would be our natural coordination of motion with the worst fixed first and other systems as other system are, with heavily connections throughout and very likely some quiet chatter and enjoyment as people are saved from literally themselves, and us as the other and the similarly interested in what is granted to choice in the many at a time and yet coordination of the individual towards speed and agility.  we know from our dot com, agile as a development cycle, wherein the 2 week sprint allows us to clear all the work which will be required for the further 2 weeks to occur in continuation.

so what is needed now, is perhaps.  well.. that is to be determined, patterned after and for design, as artistry.

this morning gleey ooaen of unsmattering has been jesterly disopposed from the phalanges and through to the healing and toes of and in and about the nearity of the relatively electrically and water rich bayside which is san francisco, this is aqua q


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