higher than earth?

consider, well and well alone is simply an impossibility, seek as we do and find and find again,

all the bits that encompass ourselves, and in matters of drought we find each other who in turn find an everlasting supply, if only per those steps and powers to see at the angles which provide for

but one thing, which is knowledge of a current and oddly misaligned society, perhaps it was thought and perhaps it is then so, and so we carry with that onward, and a decision leads to a thus action, and a word spoken to oneself may lend to a truth in an untense future; however and as well for future itself, there is often said there is no time like and a kin and kind to the present, presented for and to and a presence about the willingness to be simple in desire to the abilities of the near, or far depending on your pathways of travel, and as well the willingness to satisfy that once is desired, for the simple off-settling and resettlement of a known reality for our imagination, which priorly thought to be just that, and is now and obviously known during a similar drought, not in water but in our very abilities to move about, that life itself may peril itself to save just that imagination from itself and towards another, and on this daily basis, and this sounds a little too preachy, and often for them it is, as we find in their own means. and we digress.

so we're on this earth, and to try and explain a general feeling felt independently from oneself in manners not exacting and known leads us to question and jabber on about it, in therapy and with pills and food and drink, designed to carry us with a bit of hope, or perhaps its artificial satisfaction, and literal with food to dampen our own imagery, yet leaving the matters and facts within us, all is still known, and the question is and continues will be how to continue and carry on and about, and a dissemination of comfort and health is well, it is known.

and so we move about.. and some have heard it all, they may tell you time and time again, thought not exactly and how as this would implicate their own processes to satisfy the planet at large, and on and on again.

i suppose I see myself as luxury, designed with an offering which is infinite and given an infinite view as desired towards and about these loops of string, and how that must look from space must be musty and very odd indeed, like perhaps a package of egg and naught a single chick or hen about, and its odd when choices are presented to you, as a subset and as action not taken, the story tells of a what could happen, as a rift for everybody to hold as a merity of non-merit, or the disillusionment of what they had been taught from expecting parents and denied on the playground, and fought for, for which the latter should be completely unnecessary, and I wonder, which of the planet we're on now is aware fully of what we here in san francisco know so well, and very, with our ongoing education and presentation and indeed reputation as these places which satisfy, and gloriously, and the for example is how we describe with beauty a detail of a functional element of humanity so that it can be stowed as beauty, in the longest stems of our hearts and minds, plural of course, and then some.

. . . (dot dot dot)

a bit of more and more again is what is always in the need, and needed for that which is again and more or less, by choice.  describing the past is ignoring the present, and presented; however, there's a positive spin on our abilities to recognize what is needed at all, and so we check up on it, and we define in our being, the gerund kind, of what is flowy and, well the words can be eaten and digested, dissolved in a matter of fluidity built for the simple electrolytic traveling of our neighbors electrons and electronics about and near to us, and the dissolution dissolving or colloidal suspension is where the body kicks itself, and others to take an action, or at least believe our actions matter in facts and indeed are just that.

. . .

so to hear it a bit clearer, turn up all the noise that is required to focus your energies into the clouds which require an indication of where the rain is to stay or move, hence indicating the ground forces of spinny gluons in our brains and bodies on which subpixel ordering to allow and process by whose image and in that an in kind, you've reached a mildly manor'd aqua q on this side of the isle of man and in and about the all the time consciously available aqua q, in strife as in perpendicular at times, and by times i mean multiplied in print and not quite like the square, these days anyway.. although I heard it was good.  momentary pieces of gleamer for you ultimate abilities to fondle in a manner liking to your body to release itself and others from the peril of inactivity, headstrong and just a bit more, and oh yes, more of that, and then some.  c 3 w


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