
freedom is the range of ability to provide free energy, where the ordering is spread evenly across all space time domains, and regarding observation, as in your collectiveness in one or more sets of space time. (think about going to the store, and coming home, both time and space events)

questioning goes, if we have total freedom, and its ordering is spread evenly, that is its negentropy is maximized, thereby providing a greater immediacy in the return of debt, either in energy or matter, i.e. the difference between what is expected and allowed as the difference in energy, well that expectation requires consciousness, and so where is choice and freedom 

maximum negentropy would be infinite, and related to a maximum order, or perfectly ordered freedom, well, is not even theoretical, as approaching perfect order, include entropy in some degree, i.e non-observed, and because free energy is available but not always used for work.

choice is the remainder of the unordered freedom, for reasons which it is available but not deliveries as work, instead is purveyed as consciousness.  it could be said some of this leads to work, hence the power to alter entropy within our domains.

so consciousness alters the spin of entropy, and we say spin because it is change over time.

note negentropy is a word, not a negative signed variable, 

So what are we trying to say here?  That our belief perhaps is an ordering of consciousness, which in its domain has the same rules, not coincidentally, as our observed domain, uni-verse, as in a continuity of a single verse, of string of words, as their various vectors as placed by consciousness.  so that is how the universe is considered infinite, as our consciousness, as we know ourselves, and our observation of our domain is to alter it, if only by changing entropy, or again the ratio of freedom to choice, or its relationship, not to be confused with a denominator, or division.

infinite entropy, is minimum freedom, therefore non-available free energy, and complete and total choice.  I use complete and not infinite, as since there is no available energy, there is no work which can be done as an ordered return.  so choice is simply ON, well we can still say its infinite, because of its nature to make its first choice, and which choice involves consciousness, this is our paradox, we have available an entirety of choice to then produce energy, thereby causing a motion of entropy which beings at. . .  

let's propose our choice is to move forward, a line or chord, well it more of a minute particle motion, and that particle is now a participant (fact is we have neither matter nor energy.. so particle is our placeholder, and defined by our consciousness which chose to move, and movement requires a body, hence the instantaneous creation).  our participant shares now freedom and choice, as all are available, and the ratio is at this point, the relationship between the two, and just what is that?  well its the choice which the second particle makes, coupled with the now available energy.

the above is a little obtuse, as we don't have any requirement to move, as we have infinite choice.  so our consciousness just sort of hangs out, without space time, and this goes on for a non-eternity, that is to say one time becomes a variance of the ratios between freedom and choice, our ability to have simply pure choice is diminished, however freely provided for the space time which continues as choice and work provide for each other, as is their relationship.  this is perhaps our 2nd or similar paradox, where limited choice and limited availability to return work, and as work cannot change the ratio of choice, per se - well as the choice alters the ratio and work is observed, that alters perhaps choice, but observation of work does not alter the ability to provide the energy for work, and neither performing or utilizing free energy can alter the availability of free energy.  you can't utilize something and alter its ratio, to choice.  that's exciting, says choice with all of it and also free energy and a relationship.. let's keep that, he says, for once the relationship exists, a dissolution of the ratio leaves a muck of matter and energy with no allowances for movement, i.e. stasis, and how just would a conscious choice remove an entirety of stasis, as there is no energy for the bits to move, and as well, ones complete choice, as included in the ratio, is now dumbed down with a portion of consciousness in stasis.  so this must mean that choice remains a constant outside of the interrelationship of secondary choice to freedom, where localized choice alters freedom - but then our freedom relates to our outside choice, and so the overall ration remains.

this bring us to the sexes, wherein as noted earlier, the perspective {θ,φ} as simultaneous observations of angles of a triangle . . . and why its a triangle is simple because it is enclosed.. for the reasoning that two traveling points will at some time observe each other.  brilliant.  so our triangle is conscious, which as in our prior story, then originated at the same point, and in their own perspectives began to move.  now since the interrelationship of their perspectives don't change over time, their velocity remains constant, as a ratio between speed and direction.  so while we draw it as a triangle, our male and female counterparts are maintaining their interrelationship by maintaining their own ratio between their personal speed and direction.  therefore perhaps the 3rd side of our triangle, the observation, is initial and constant too, as it would need to be constant due to the interrelationship, and while observation itself is not ongoing per se between our two traveling sexes, or points, its consciousness shared at the initial point of travel is its provided constant, and since this ratio is always fixed, and because we can have triangles with any corollary sets of perspectives or angles, and as all triangles must have an origin, due to the simple fact that two random points will never have the same corollary perspectives for the ability to maintain their velocities towards a continuity of perfection, as is required in our 3 angle, the origin is always on a point of a circle.  the reasoning for this is, to provide the constant of observation, while simultaneously providing the maximum choice, to our corollary sexes, and thus ensuring their constant perspective towards each other, and thus everything they participate in, well. . .  since they have choice and work and observation to complete the triangle is constant, i.e. it cannot be changed due to the onset of perspectives from origin. . . well to create a triangle would then require 3 simultaneous and  corollary angles, this is the sets of [ {θ,φ}, {φ,θ}, observation ], where interestingly, as observation is constant, and choice exists to create triangle, but not the individual angles, except that they maintain the ratio, as our only requirement, again and always, due to our initial choice to create and provide for our creation to be functional in freedom as it is part of our consciousness, which of course we enjoy.  so the triangle in instantaneous, therefore its origin comes from the same consciousness, and as observation is a constant, the triangle is surrounded on all sides, and because of the ratio of the triangle, as it exists on 3 axis of creation and observation simultaneously, thus freeing is up as in being provided for with energy, it travels, has traveled, and will continue to travel with its constant velocity and perspective, and so, with all these possibilities, our points of origin, become infinite, again because of the choice and energy.. . .

so at origin, in all aspects, i.e. points in spacetime, and in fact the everything of all of everything origin, as we are aware. ::

having all the energy is minimum freedom, as it is stored, and therefore there is no allowance for work to be provided, and in fact no need, because there is no yet ratio between choice and freedom, as no choice has been made, and it exists in an ON state only.

so our triangles are simultaneous, again as stated, they are created at origin, and because we are aware of an infinite corollary (?) optional triangles, that is to say we can have a triangle with any set of corollary angles, so long as it has three sides, i.e. the ratio . . . well, the ratio happens to be 180, and because there are infinite pairings of perspectives, there are an infinite number of triangles, all at origin on 3 points, again because of the ratio ratio ratio, I said it. and so our circle exists with an infinite possibility of travel, or the velocity as the ratio of choice and freedom, and due to this corollary perspective to each other and origin, the exchange of choice and freedom within this correlation and towards and about origin, are maintained to provide for the sexes, and about this perspective, as the consciousness which is the instantaneous and initial everything, as now we have have infinite possibilities of corollaries.  since choice exists, as stated, as pure and infinite, then even to create our triangles, we maintain infinite choice - because choice exists at origin.  that is to say that instantaneously and for infinity, we have, an observation of all perspectives, in their perfect and corollary velocities.

to wrap it up, origin retains choice, and as well bestows it as an entirety, towards a continuum of continuity of choice, so as bestowed and retained, our choice, at origin of an infinite number of plot-table points, has enforced infinity.  when I say OUR, I really mean the correlation of the sexes with to maintain the ratio of observation from origin, i.e. [ {θ,φ}, {φ,θ}, o ], that is our collective choice, which using the above dataset, provides for the constant choice of origin to be incorporated into the continuity of the velocities our sexes to maintain origins absolutely of choice, for the benefit of all three.  that is to say, there exists within your choice and freedom, to optimize yourself by staying true to your relationships of whichever one of [ {θ,φ} {φ,θ}, o ] you happen to be at any point.  because of this relationship, and empathy as in our nature of corollary perspective, we feel as each other, and while maintaining our choice, origin feels everything. 

so does origin feel perfectly?  and what is emotion and their corollaries to a circle, and must they all exist?  well.  remember our corollaries and velocities of our paired sexes?  well their deviations and their ability to maintain constant velocity, adjusts their bodily shapes, from origin, so that because they are changing choice or freedom, they alter their shape, and this shape, or more specifically, the incongruity of the correlation of shapes, hence unpaired deviation from our ratio at origin, is thus while altering a relationship. . . well its time to be humble, i.e. the observation of origin is perhaps a heady discourse for assumption, but the facts that we feel, is indicative of our nature towards each other and for the benefit of, and that simplicity frees us up incredibly, so that we don't have to think about our choice. see.  

wrapping up, pi as probability, describes the above, so that our participation is very likable and likely to become a reality which is maintained for the love of relationships. . . and three is not a crowd.

. . .

the above and in and about the all the time sectionaries of couches to be plushed and sueded in this whimsical, inclined to recline gently, as imaginary imagined luminous and jesterly in the justified portionry allotted to the a lot of us, this is the mode which is the on all the time as in that mailbox on the corner where you let your letters flow into a nation of eager recipients, and thus, do so and write a letter, to your form of words and versed, as in our paths towards being, simple and as requited, then sign and mail to the above address, and find our polar bear santa as in father Christmas, and his bowl of jelly for you to laugh in, and so be naughty of nice, and you will find your ordered list of presence, for the fair trade use of milk and cookies., this is aqua q c 3 w


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