free will

oh the free will question, because I choose to write about it, see?

the collection of progression is the path of my prior choice, and it's continuation is my talent, to my belief which is sufficient, for enjoyment, and that is the nature of the universe.

to enjoy is purely the functioning of a returning and totality of a system to carry on in perpetuity, as one would like as it is to be enjoyed.

backspace are marvelous, as an adjunct to a concept which doesn't function and this slight correction is within our powers in the near term, and near is what we have at our disposal, to use that term, which is literally in this case, how we transition a set into another set, using perhaps some of the numbers, signed in their maths, for the functioning of further functions, and as numbers are applied within those functions, the other numbers naturally retain until they are further disposed into other functions.  and this carries on, with a conceptual idea that there are always a sufficiency in numbers to proceed in our cycles, and those are for the mind, its ability to take what I just learned as reference to this case, the Markov blanket, which is a warm cuddly covering over a distinct collection, taking care of it, and providing its own body for the set of these numbers.

if we were to go back, we may imagine exposing this blanket to the elements of prior bypasses of numbering, thus re-assigning a similar yet different blanket of numbering, whose reference is now a combination of events as recalled with concurrency of consciousness, and near coupled with the success of our warm blanket prior, we may be inclined to further enjoy the victory, which ought not to diminish, for the time our brains permit an enjoyment without a furthering of development, and this is also within Markov.

and so.

the free will question comes up at times like these, as evident, and the precursor to that thinking is not immediately evident, but I will and will explain the happenstance of the oncoming and forthcoming sparkability, which is a dull-drum of free association, and my own, perhaps, questioning as to what is free in association -- well the return as in free energy as described by Karl Finston (check), describes both Markov and our, how did he phrases it?  well I'd have to look it up, and I will in a second.  but we already described how numbers are exchanged and so this should suffice, and you needed worry about me looking it up, and you can provide a time to do so, if that is your desire.

but back to free association, and the thinking that surroundings of everything observed for, by and about, coupled with perhaps a randomized memory recall, is our natural response to perhaps a question we didn't hear precisely, as in audibly, and that these conversations going on are part of their own numbered set and functioning, and perhaps by participating in the numbering without a pure attentive consciousness, as consciousness goes, our lackadaisical free thinking may off handedly participate in the numbering, when it doesn't offend or affect our concurrency, and even if it does, and you wind up shouting something from the creases of your own brain, well.. that is your personal reaction and your behavior of how you deal with information in your runtime state of whatever you are about at that moment.. sounds a bit obtuse, and it is, for the mere fact that you don't have to respond solely for yourself in all events, i.e. the benefit towards yourself.  this brings us to focus, but more specifically at this time, our reasoning to write, which is to operate the functions which function towards enjoyment, and numbers as a side gig, with focus to apply them to working systems.

satisfied is that, for moments, and further moments at a time, until the function is heavy enough to plot, as observed, or simply proceeds in its imaginary non-imagined though accurate by imagination, graph.  its pointless, hah, to imagine the graph because you're not purely aware of the numbers which will be presented, further allowing you to trigger available functioning systems.

so this is fun, isn't it -- the crux of course is how free will affects others, and this is how we have it, because it does affect others, and our combined freedoms allow us to provide for ourselves and others, as our natural abilities and proclivities proclaim for our justification of our own freedoms, as observed in our continued abilities to be free.   even shackled with an itch on your nose that you wish to scratch, is a scenario were you could think about butterflies, as I did for a moment, to distract perhaps the itch, and thus avoid the inevitable ongoing want to scratch.  scratch.  see I scratch my arm because it was a preset trigger, but if I knew then what I know about itches now, I would perhaps find a better solution.  even that thought may incline you to itch a bit, as the bits of communication on your body chatter about what the hell your talking to it about, and collectively decide to move to the right or up and about and poke particulately  on the organ which is your skin, and beneath, where soft tissue and organs may in similar fashion, have gotten some electrics and spin to question and unbalance for a shift.

the question now comes to completeness, i.e. when will this document of recollection and processed formery be finished, and that is to be determined by the body I wish to write, and if I wish to continue on the free will theme, or if I wish now to break into a story, or what precisely I will do after this completeness and how does that progress in the cycles I am both perhaps used to, as not a specific action, but functionally what in the near space is available for me to process the spacial numbering which is the all the time.   and so, my recall is about .. and the word is missing, but its needles on the skin.. and specifically my memory is the ear, and the reason I mention this is because its completeness is when its no longer comfortable, and in fact obtrusive.  

and so you might have a memory of how long that is, or you may remember the sensation, and you may do a combination of these, and even imagine a discomfort, and that is actual, and that is still completeness, and you may further decide the effects were ineffectual to your desire.. acupuncture!  is the word, and its no longer needed, but there it is, written down.

combined with this concurrency of various discomfort, I realize further motion will be required to complete this work, as well as become comfortable, and I do want you to leave with a warm feeling about the presented material facts, and these are part of them, and so I share that and preclude to provide what I believe will be needed in the future, while perhaps ignoring the immediacy I so often talk about - which, indicates that while functioning in physics, this may introduce a behavior in yourself, which I am indicating, which is to listen to this podcast until completion, and perhaps now you are expecting the completion, and the itch has begun, and more specifically, said to regain your focus, the time at which you hear this messaging is the time our systems have then formed a mantle, with my words, and hence as carefully as I chose, and your time in and about your own functioning brain and etc.,

that mantle provides for me, my future, our future, choices as in free, as in free energy and thus will footnote this in brief to the Wired article I read just this morning, about the explorations of Karl Friston, and the direct quote of preponderance: "Free energy is the difference between the states you expect to be in and the states your sensors tell you that you are in."

when you sense you are within something, you are, and the difference, is your, the natural you, allowance to proceed to the result which, in expectation, is the precursor to other eventfulness in these functions, or blankets as both Markov and Friston utilize.  this explains it to me, and its a novel use to utilize the remainder towards the benefit of something which already exists, expectation, hence the free nature of this economy, as everything is utilized while motion proceeds.

good. done.  this has been and is still, in motionary and ongoing in spacial causinistry, a bit from the left off center city by and about the bay, san francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, to name a few which are on my mind this November the 10th, in our year of the hindsight, twenty twenty, aqua q c 3 w



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