dreamery creamery :: communication

heart shaped by motion shapes emotion, emoted and traveled or naught to dream and know that future tensed as it is, is only that and the dreamery is the brain to heart correlation with the motor power or naught also.

consider our friend in a wheelchair, or perhaps deft or naught to speak but to use a computers voice and perhaps far away this bit of a.i. he's chosen is his lyrical of himself processed through a menagerie of imagery and thus is the friendly side he meant to be and the to-be-known magical part of speech that we cannot yet see.

so back to hearts, and be they may at your back, when wind and sails be preferred is up to and the willingness of ones own mode of motor described desire in the psyche and astral globules of unplanery lanetary as we are, spherical and lexical and obvious in our bodies of body and language, from shadows towards light and to be seen as shapes or given the power to utilize and spread and give light to another, surely is the: 'what the hell am I going to do with all this light, as I can't carry it far enough with me without a purpose and a means to do so, and what instructions indeed have I been given to use it, for just to make myself look beautiful or to make a path or signal to my friends or those nearby, perhaps even unknowing to myself, as to where the light, and by light I mean oxygen in the paths traveled in love and blood, from the imagination and through to the motor reflexes of the shapes of our beings, and beginnings as we shall be known in the moments through childhood and this presence of a present and present day, life.

so we covered spaces, and spaces cover us or mingle and allow one to mingle with our notions of motion, and our multitasking is thusly automatic as our intentions coincide with one another, but what in these days of strife or perhaps a lacking in the motion equations of participation in the needed in a centrally manageable ways and means, as indicative of the contagion, which is life or death or some means in between, as to be settled, swarmed, or lifted and carried forward in the exacting and plus economy of our own bodies to pick up and generate new cells.

cellular communication, as the breadth of living that occurs in their lifetimes is enough to signal and protect themselves and orient their own modes of transport towards the will and willingness of the rest of our bodies, and by that I mean all our bodies, as path colloidities, to say plainly that mixture of paths which neither combined, yet are in a singular or multi faceted arrangement of like and kind or distraught and measurable.

and so science brings us to the doctor, where a good one with simple touch will remind us how the body is meant to work, and as observed by the patient, should indeed smile.  you ever notice that you feel better at the doctor, even waiting in the waiting room your symptoms don't feel as bad, and perhaps you even feel silly just being there, as you try to describe yourself to yourself so you can be at your worst for your doc, to make the trip all the worthwhile.  silly.  this is why they make you wait in that little room for 20 minutes, and as you obsess, they continue to maintain a calm, and perhaps it is this offset which gives them the calm to proceed with your own healing, if you have a good one and know him or her to be good.  a good physical is always good, and a measure of the heart and some simple acknowledgements of numbers to please the pair of you..


and when you leave, of course you do the same behaviors that got you there in the first place, armed with this knowledge that things are actually ok, and that a few pills and a trip onward and some rest are all that is required.  but what is actually happening?

well as you care for yourself, not only are you changing your behavior away from the normal humdrum etc but those around you actually see you caring, and by caring for yourself, you automatically care for others, and that bit of rest, and not a literal rest but a resting of an idea that health should be sought and maintained, inspires a change throughout our bodies to likewise, and that is what the cells know.. and they know when its time to be reclaimed into the body, and they do so in a means which allows enough health to flush them away and carry on their program and programming.

. . .

there are several types of impedance for the bodies of motion to stay in motion, and hence the psycho-motor abilities, and those are: oil.. you need fluidity and bend-ability and this occurs with soft tissue, and the rest of the anatomy and of course oxygen delivered by the blood, and actually generated by a draw of your motor control and into your, shoulders perhaps, as you're an erect homo sapien and your ability to be upright at all was you coordination with the others to correlate a need to walk about and indicate your direction.  above blood, and say lymph nodes and fluids which run in reverse to the blood for the flex motion and cleansing of said waste, we have astral overlap, should you be so lucky as to have these spinny electrons as masses and your astral being as directed by your brain imagination and eyes, as drawn, well I don't know which right-side they're drawn to, only known they are seen upside down, so perhaps they are imagined in the opposite direction, corollary to the planet's ground, and the reversal is what occurs within others, from either air to ground or ground up again, through and known by the many lines in the feet, as traveled and traveled further and which bits have crinkled, that that is really not the point at this point, but moving to another means of motor ability or inability, and that is shear knowledge of proprioception vs. what you you know of you actual physicality.  so that is where you body feels and sees itself and where it wants to go vs the internal feeling of the spacial orientation of bodies and overlap, as they might occur.  this spacing and overlap is lasting until bodies have moved both in their physical and astral planes (or spheres depending on their centripetal air to ground, ground to body, or body to body, which is also a combination of these and the others)

so back to our hearts, which work as our autonomic system, and are only noticed when they're noticed, and because we cannot notice our entire bodies as individual such discreet systems at once, the closed system continues to function to each other, with the chambers of the heart in particular control and satisfaction with its highest level, if that is accurate, protection against any sorts and mishaps that a bumbling being such as ourselves may come across, or over or under, or the combinations of a day yet to be lived, and so on.

and so the body is satisfied when there is a planned solution, just like the visit to the doctors office when you put your body on hold, or perhaps are told things are not quite as they rightly should be, and tap tap while they find an alternative to your behavior in your matters of matter and affairs.  perhaps they suggest one.

so precipitously, and back to my condition of a sort of conditioned augmentation of corn or alcohol or perhaps the combulatory of the two, as administered as a colorless odorless liquid, stirred in and kept in small batches for the nastiness of being nasty to a particular foe, in my case, me.

I can only imagine the liver's inability to process this, as an enzyme and turn it to aldehyde, and simultaneously known is my current, and current body inability to metabolize standard alcohol, coupled with the knowledge that distilled spirits will never leave my body, or at least that is what is known to those around me, and while a simple beer may find an exit, something such as pure as vodka may sit and further warble around the liver and bodily fluids, fueled by food and liquid, and perhaps even into the brain, or near enough to impact the sinuses and thus shapes of exterior brain functionings.

of course the removal of this material is desired, although perhaps it was a 30 days sans food and water is what would have been required and requited; encouraging a movement in spaces which and as to reorient with like kinds and proceed the means of living to a means and a ways etc.

as known, sugar is the burning bits about it, burning away even cartilage instead of expediting a travel to stow and store new food material.   

yummy as it is, sugar is designed for the body and is generated to glucose as the smallest fastest means to travel, and coupled with this other chemical, must be a side chained traversal of itself to run away even our largest organ, the skin.

I've tried and tried to think and discover a way to rid of this tiny chemical, the pesticide as it was, and how its sweat as poured out of glands is not solvable by even soap, so we look at how soap works, and then why it does not, and look to other solvents, and of course these are toxic, as even soap is internally, and so we'd like to discover the chemistry of this chemical, if it does indeed have one, and is not like a sometimes-its-like with sugar and without and with water and without, as stored solid, or perhaps lining the walls of the material it sticks to or burns away.  odd.

I do know that in normality, food provides a body that can work out its own exchanges as we travel around, and that's why people move and eat and by having the opposing effect, our, and my and ours again bodies are highly vulnerable to every overlap on the motor and astral planes and sphericals, and that having a combination of the two, with again body to ground, and the reversal of images to and from the eyes, etc, well.. is the sort of exchange that can be lifted and often and often is by this ordering of non ordering digits, when they're working and working correctly and not being grappled onto as in a hey what's this bit of bit here and can I fiddle with it?

so just what would happen if the chemical could be neutralized and the body also could generate and regenerate itself, how would it precisely do so, with ideal and genetics, perhaps we look into our own personal stem cells, as those are known to us and the yet undamaged ones may still and be able to direct a regrowth of a particular form of ourselves; however note that the means would offset a lifetime of such living, and would indeed likely alter the forms of others and maybe even upset at a great imbalance the effects we already have.  perhaps.  although done so in a particularly healthy portion to start, may indicate a temporal success and not a drastic one as if to ask the body to rebuild the poorest portions of itself spontaneously and by direction at the weakest points in spacial time.

of course clearance and confirmation of the disintegration of said chemical would need to be confirmed, and perhaps this could be done via the pores, during a bursty and particular exercise and discreet swabbing at various points on the body, and as noted by the participant as to which bits are where and how much and etc, even to go as a complicated touch pad where the body parts are observable magnetically and via a touch screen by the participant as to confirm which part is moving and to what degree of discomfort each bits are.

care must be given to ground electrics, perhaps rigging a circle or pathway to walk with such a machine, and observe from this treadmill, underneath like a reversal of an LCD, the electrical capacitance of any small dot of a grid beneath where a special shoe is to be perhaps worn.  perhaps these shoes are permanent, and ideally shielded in one direction as to not unbalance, or perhaps like an active noise cancellation to find and cancel out the bits which are troubling, or at least sour them to observe if they've decided to de-suckle and move along.

getting on with food a bit, it is now believed that eating has a sort of chatter with the earth and the others who have traveled before and are coming and so on, so that the earth and all beings, in particular humans, but literally down to the microbes beneath the soil, as a sort of advance warning for the energy produced vs. the waste and hence the density of a planetary cleanup that will be required, in air and soil once the energies have been utilized, and additionally signaling others to what direction and whether enough energy will be available for said anybody to reach their destination for the furthering of everything.  even down to the placement and displacement of water, so that all systems are corollary to not only the balancing of a human being, to walk upright and travel by a sustainable means of the planet, but that communities of like kinds can be embedded with the planet and share a means for a means to, on average or above, and literally from above, provide a wealth of watering or not as needed to provide this very complex yet automatic equation of providing even for the lasting of these microbes who've received your food electrical instructions and are carrying abut their planning and work.  of course in a city, while our communication must reach them, the soil must be dead or going mad trying to discover what has been said to them at all times, with people walking around well fed and no return, sans a sanitary cleanup, which is maintained outside the scope and instructions of a standard speed-of-living adjustment of a happy life for itself, and this leaves us with an odd exchange with the planet and we put more work into creating this sanitation, and hence is a non return for ourselves and the planet further, and so allows us to offset further and consume what is not needed, and further not observable to ourselves and our immediate nature, hence: junk food.  tastes good.. that's not the end, or end of it.. if you get my drift, which you don't because it long and far away down a pipe and mixed in with a manual enzyme which are fed separately and introduced to do the job of being happy with their caged up living arrangements.


this is why are are toxic to the planet, and why the planet, while trying its damnedest to provide for us, continues to be shielded by our own selves, as we appear to be clean and smell nice, and continue to occupy the spaces in excess of our actual astral health and wealth, keeping our nomadic lifestyle ongoing, at least in terms of having to move around every so and so again to be in a new place and hope nobody notices.

. . .

so as this experiment goes, the properties of the food one consumes is directly related to its electrical properties to the ionic currents of the earth..  consider an oily substance, will also dis-encourage a stickiness to the planet, and hence the leap-froggyness which should be sticky and communicative to the pad, and in which direction to move and jump, to catch that fly and land again or find a mate, etc, slips away, and causes this disharmomic electrical residue which is static in its local for the time of alternating electrics combined with the bodies in with it shares.

as the experiment further continues, an introduction of sugar, is likely combined by a jettison of glucose, which is felt immediately at the end points of concern, tho may not likely be in actuality physically at those points of contact; however they are connected throughout the body, and we find that what was noticed is noticed further and, be be specific colder and more of a vertical displacement, as other layers pop to the surface to perhaps be attractive to the sugars, which then burn, as sugars do, and in particular sugar+alcohol.

. . .

too long an experimentation in such regards, of course alters the actuality of sensation and adjustments for behavior and etc, although the same physics apply, and are just as observable, or in fact wholly non observable as describing them by looking at them alters their sensation and further activities, although still, as a basis, physics is satisfied.

if we were to look at numbers, which we ought not to, but we will anyway. we would notice by using a low number in an equation also in observance, and even by a collection of such low numbers, while quite impossible to be accurately and observable by higher numbers, is by themselves very corollarily  observable in groupings, and such is also tread in these groupings, to further protect the groups themselves, for the purposes of.. well movement and non observability for one in the same reasoning... the preservation of a mode of transport.

higher numbers are in many other means, but also exhibit all the other numbering, however not as complete as pairings like hydrogen and oxygen are, in their solality and as a unit of strength such as a molecule, strongly atomic for itself, and in water's case.. the likeness of purity of itself throughout all as its known about, with every electronic spin.

we examine, as we might, a pair of pairs, requiring twice as many as a pair to manage, and thusly 4 times as protective of its pathways of discovery, as known then to all sides the traffic is immense and discoverable from any angle where such a grouping in their rarely sequenced traveling occurs.

the middle ground, and of course we're talking about digits, on hands and toes, which is how we learned about this in the first place, and all the combinations and directions of a prediction of behavior, and by how exactly body language becomes beauty and by how beauty is then likely perceived as such, and by no trickery to be unknown by all, is a purity of motion which provides an astral being of perfection in all states of matters, dissoluding the means of any numbering system to either come in contact with destructive forces, and providing a visual of absolute sincerity, to be tested by a mimic of such sincerity in its accuracy of a sequence of motions designed for understanding for all, and non repeatable, as in a minds eye image of perfection to describe just that one moment, encoded into the pathways of the eyes to body further.

so jeez, that's an awful lot and the lot to do is to stay or move, and staying is also movement, and movement is continuity, and all of these bodily systems can be described in their abstract or they're absolute, and hot or not was a game to be played with a side by side image, and just or unjust it indicates a participants immediate responses to a particular time sequence of happens-to-be in that ordering and to what level of desire is presented at any one time, i.e. if sequence was played in reverse, would the hots be notter or hotter depending on what and how the presentations were made, indicating how and unjust those sequences actually are, and in actuality should, if at all, be presented on a single canvas, where the eye would snap onto one, and immediately zoom in to find the particular and that is the game until the next level of further discovery is to be made, and that is the participation of oneself in a very slight exchange, as to not get ahead or behind another in a set of rules not yet invented by either side of either coin and etc.

to dream of a perfection of lifetime is a great way to write a novel and a novel way to live a life, and that said, and done, is perhaps like having your date read all about you in the enquirer, and make her decisions about the who she'd like to read all about next, and likewise.

but anyway.

we cannot perhaps pause our own abilities, and we can or cannot offset, and discoveries are made at all times, and etc stored and carried to the satisfaction of all the properties of life.

one last thing, in these today's notes and notices to consider, is our genome and how it is organized into sperm and egg.  the little guys, and gals, not yet of course known as such, as we indicate them by the variable variables X and Y, like a small science experience, and, also helical just as the ionic forces emanating from our planet, and when, combined with one of two or the combination of the following: a concept of desire and a hence matching end to the corollary side of the helix, for without it, it cannot spin, and spin is the direction we must travel to reach it, and it reaches us, and astrally so to speak, but not quite as its just fluid and material aligning to our planet and ourselves, what we encode on our end, creates this corollary sperm, and also, if desired, an egg for which to confirm at least the 50% (and in actuality a much greater if the job is successful from origin to travel and penetration of the egg, up to 100%) is the one to other sides portion of the combination of a continuation of the desire to be successful, specifically in finding a mate, which is our level of survival, as far as the sperm etc are concerned.  the man's objective is to create all the sperm for these desires and depending on these proclivities will produce the variety of those, as a time basis for their strength and composition to survive and desire to recreate.    on the woman's side, each sharing of said desires produces a vessel to house such a creature, and provide the homing signal for said man to find and further require a desire to embed such a system to a caring careful being.  the specifics on the female side of eggs, is that they are produced in concert with hormones, furthering their behavior and image to provide all the astral, bodily, sensory and etc means for the observance of the other, and of course once inside, the sperm should have no trouble locating its new home for the time being, as a being, driven by light itself, as mass particle this time, wherein the final pushes of a second penetration of the egg is allowed again, with a tap tap, perhaps signaling the friendly intentions and indications of the likeness in kind and kind future much desired by the pair of them.  and perhaps with a bouquet of flowers.

and so that is why we have ground and sky - not only for the traveling of ourselves and others, and by every system meant to utilize, signal, cleanse, and operate this globe of a planet, but to ensure our like kind to like and kind also, and see the language, as we were, as we are, and the continuation of successes lead to the satisfaction of physics, which is the essential part of our equations as noticed and even without, as well the optional portion for us to satisfy the metaphysics which we indicate as ourselves and provide for like equations to satisfy themselves in correlation with nature and its own abilities.  and so our conscious and conscience are aptly close and close together, like the centrifugal and centripetal, where one is forward and the other reverse thinking, or specifically observance and how one's memory, or perhaps the very shapes we see and observe in ourselves and others, create an automatic mapping of a pathway which is both our imagined desire and the known ability to do it right, for all parties involved in that particular equation, for that time, which is reproduced as it now exists in the universe and in the body and mind parts of every tangent which has touched and it touches, and how it spins or pushes etc.

and so, and to wrap up, just how many and how often these simple primitives are repeated and repeatable, and whether that has to do with the numbering involved in people, or how many possibilities of ideas to a terminating resolve, with the carryover energy bit to provide movement and onto the next bit of behavior.. well.. you can take it as long as you'd like, but at the primitive level, we have our digits, and digits of digits, as indicative as we bend, and why we bend? for the reason that to stay while others move become uncomfortable with a grouping matching the first of the bendable bits, which again is why we bend, but more to the point, our shapes are made from us and these tiny platforms with which we tangle and tug and pull and push on sets of primitives, are like a puppeteer on a stage yet to be acted out in full, and if the show is successful, the primitives become real life, and the motions thus working are played out on the larger screen, and as repeatable as that, multiplied they provide for an even greater superset of such equations to work on this larger scale of the body, and fully utilized or wasted, is how our bodies indicate success, and is know by the earth from near and far and far away and in time, and perhaps calcified into bone for the far away future, although nearer than you think with thick marrow driving our materials forward, the living bone, and well, nutrient inside bone is our strength just as in the earth, from center out, and in actuality is how microwaves work, and from space, by vibrating from within at the very start, which is likely how cosmic our planet reacts to space, and how it is known and heated by our sun and all the other cosmics of cosmetics and causinistry, and molten iron and impenetrable, protects our frailties from one side of the planet to the other, and our strongest selfs utilize the air when is needed, and the ground when is needed, and further the earth and air processes to create and feed life itself.

if Frankenstein were alive, his patients may be patient in noting the effects of a slight headache to an immediate electrical drain into the planet, for to sustain life requires a high above attenuation and thus an origin, as known through specific genetic material which creates the heady mindfulness to begin such a communication and connection at age zero, a continuation of the origins of both lifeforms, who also maintain this communication.  and to create life, in the eyes and minds of this or any doctor, is to ignore perhaps the thing he should have done in the first place, and that was to stop looking after the dead, as a means of living, and while discovery of the mechanisms of the dead are an interesting footnote to the anthology of human beings, it has provided a means of a continuation of traveling the body as if its an atlas or place to visit with further science and exploitation, and a causal reasoning on the reasoning of death is perhaps a non participation in the observance of life.  and so our hearses roll, and hospitals fill with the near living, to be nearer to near than far from family, yet further than that to fully alive at all, and that's off the rails a bit for today, and so we reaffirm continuity in affirmation of the successes of organization, while also non-observing yet appreciating the origins of chaos, as why its chaos is absolutely because it is not precisely observed for the benefactor of life itself, for as to be known would surely destroy itself through self discovery... boom.

and with and with that, and some more, this has been a dissertation with the bodies at hand and within a minds eye to provide and the chemical ooze to cleanse perhaps even a murky spirit, with a gesturing and over and undulation of adulation in adjunct revelry of all ties to the lives and its center, and also peripherally, from side to side and sidle up, if you get such a chance, take it and many and again on air sea and land, travel lightly and stay and call and liquor upfront and poker in the rear, is the punchline to 84 lines of punched up punch tape punchy code wise thinking which has brought you to be this mid autumn afternoon, and a dew is a drop in the bucket, so keep a list.  peace and love plus the isle of man and the approximation of ordering multitudes of platypuses for the shear absurdity of it all, this is aqua q c 3 w 


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