City Wide


prime the lights; ambulances jiggered their switches and the embedded patterns filled the batteries of ooze for the triggering of numbers to communicate with the whatever to put a gauge on the town of the evening.  numbers roamed into the radio clearances and hit the switched dipoles embedded circuitry, well managed by the minds comms.  welcome to haptic.

the loops are seen as paths on a dynamic platform through the city, to be ridden and risen towards the occasional occasion of stop, stomp, bounce and parry, gloriously traveled by the numbers and directions of the days and nights ahead.

this particular form of light formed the aura around this particular hospital for the traveling towards and about the ability to transmit love in light energies towards the eyes and bodies which are then delivered as free energy towards the healing centers from the blood emergency room, o+, where deep messaging coalesces to every bit of healing electrics to drive forward this process of life.

it was a particular day, in fact, to see ones own feet crossing slightly behind a lead towards the expected destination, not too far transmitted, yet given freely to maintain the bits of chaos which supply each other in their spectrums of light and speed.

bike lanes shone and drove beams around the town, and blinky bits were just the beginning.

our astral bodies shown to each other for those briefs to be placed within the hearts of those heady, and exchanges made to proceed with our destinations.

how free light travels, in fact, from planet to planet and back again for gazillions of years of love and adaptation for human air play and encouragement towards every motion.

this was thanksgiving.

my business was to hit a cold battery for a while, to get myself off the main grid and isolate my neurons from toxicity of abused light, and I did.  feet on carefully engineered blocks of grounded concrete separate the cold from hot, as polarities reverse and body clearances are made.

it was a night and a day, and where people traveled was perhaps a mystery, but they were traveling together, and with an absolute messaging from above, in front, and behind to maintain their bodily structures as they themselves felt and enjoyed, and this is our living.

moments to moments were communicated on air and land and the reversals of electrics from street to street tickered as the lighting signals on boxes which were synchronized with the minds eye towards any particular radio clearances which were chatty enough to mention.  truth has a funny logic.

this particular day, both were echoed into a box on the side of my ear, just a bit of confusion, as words coupled and decoupled together, and a bit more confusion for a bit more of more of that, but just.

I found a nice cop to radio into, and we chattered from here to there, about whatever was on my mind.  we joked, as one might from a radio, adjusting our inflections to test the bandwidth and vocal densities, and measure and remeasure intention in the returned signaling with our own transceived and coupled voices, with words duplicated and measured as amplitudes and then full stop. blip.

click clack.  she disappeared for a while, as I'm sure she was still listening, in some parts of her channeling, I walked, and walked around - 

it was one of those days - the blood type reorganization around the hospital, rich to cold, then looped around bypassed cleared static, then back to various grey shades and some other impurities of chemical ooze.  it was funny to see the people chatter to me, as they know me, and as i hoped to return to ground once more, I stood up on a hill to chatter into a curvy bit of pathway, and the platform kicked up again, I as wrote and adjusted it.  well it was a well ride, and then stopped and side to side at times, each time as I tried to encourage pathways for those for their particular needs, as mine was just a casual observance.  

a bit of chaos was set up behind me, which is now too often the case, as causeries go, even and odds are characters in plays to be played out towards and satisfaction of an event or eventfulness leading towards their own satisfaction of an ongoing participation.

and I thought for myself, occasionally interacting to the play, and finding my voice to chatter on a bit, this was no crime, however criminal the plays may have been encouraged by the energies behind me now, and should I direct them to any particular spot.

it seemed on this evening, that those wanted me to follow something of theres, yet I was still myself, and enjoyed the visualizations and slight comms and chatters.

yes hearts were tied up in the hospital, those who had left a helping hand and freedom for ourselves, as we might and do, carried me to this place of just slight unrest I thought I'd never leave, until emergencies find themselves, as they often to.

well this was entertainment now.  it seems that's all light is to some people, a television to watch as characters grapple onto ground wires deep over hills and on the asphalt.

as i broke through and maintained my constituents of stories, I found it difficult to communicate on water, as these same messages were simple towards the wants of those around, instead of the lifes push forwards as was intended.

so I spent time of my light time devising a seed to turn tobacco into life, as it should work, to transplant that poor beast of a chemical must into something greaner for the betterment of all mankind, held by one man to do just that, and I hoped.

I dream a lot these days, as I would like to see the systems reloop and flows established from planets towards the phalanges and boots of those we call humans and more.

heady are these ideas.  a rejuvenation of our experiences and a rejuvenating power shared as admired for the love of light travel.

my new body, only sightly known to me, yet evidently apparent towards those caring and observing, was also loved in return for their indelible incredibles of delivery.

what are you up to and about? one might inquire of any particular individual, casually stated that others were concerned without a ne'er of presence, I broke my gaze, just to return the favor of insincerity, please.

heavy men switched and reswiched the water electrics as casual and offset natures permitted them to do so, and thus was our emergency again.  ho hum.

skipping that bit.


it's funny what people to to relieve their own energies, as shadow and light parry, in a misty haze of digital confusion, our bodies mirror and focus.

whole again, as I wished for my now trodden systems of leisure and pleasure, the exchanges are not so heady a discourse, nor deja vu enough to ponder a relief.

towards what end, one may wonder now, as I pondered the daylight offset at various discrete potions of light and cloudy shadow, it was know this was the sight adjustments to keep the planet spinning a constant velocity, but with a slight murkiness this time, as light was penetrated just a bit too much as a confusion of ooze on the planet.

they prodded me in the hospital, with dare no less, as troves of numbered non souls attempted to examine a nature of me that they themselves would only destroy, and as confusing as that was to them, as my nature, I observed them as well, though not to any great likewise effect.

men and women, poor in their own demeanors tried to find a bit of work for themselves, surrounded by the chaos which was meant to either save or destroy.  but this was a hospital.  odd that.  how there people operate within their means is perhaps a mystery, and as well known only for their own kinds, as it seems.  

replays were made, and adjustments and confusion left behind, and I still ponder where and about these people in these days a.

towards what end, one may wonder now, as I pondered the daylight offset at various discrete potions of light and cloudy shadow, it was know this was the sight adjustments to keep the planet spinning a constant velocity, but with a slight murkiness this time, as light was penetrated just a bit too much as a confusion of ooze on the planet.

they prodded me in the hospital, with dare no less, as troves of numbered non souls attempted to examine a nature of me that they themselves would only destroy, and as confusing as that was to them, as my nature, I observed them as well, though not to any great likewise effect.

men and women, poor in their own demeanors tried to find a bit of work for themselves, surrounded by the chaos which was meant to either save or destroy.  but this was a hospital.  odd that.  how there people operate within their means is perhaps a mystery, and as well known only for their own kinds, as it seems.  

replays were made, and adjustments and confusion left behind, and I still ponder where and about these people in these days again.

I explained gently about my own internal systems, which were further questioned to my own and like kind pain, and my choices of altered silence of a perfectly sane reasoning, became more questions without reasoning that I'd told them it hurts to answer.  another oddity.

we have some amazing creatures of care throughout our planet, from eons of light built and structures towards our own capabilities to observe and adjust for the correctness of the desired light self.

it should be known that nobody's experience is like ones own, and as shared by the willing, and willingness of purity of ongoingness.  I'm slightly perturbed that invasions of thought and body are so casual and words are simply to those without their own means of travel.

moment to moment, I found some rest and heaviness, as one eye completely blacked out for the dreams of heaven to reorganize themselves towards light and love, and organize they did in their light manor of playfulness.

see.  my systems of operation are not well known outside the closed loop now open, it seems.  we discussed many means to restore our balances, as voices his walls and ears, and heady discussions without a true action towards the desired.

tried and true, we believe not what works, but what creates for the next, as images dance on the fluid walls of our bellies, filled with a hope to find ourselves back in coordination, we do.

its a not so funny world at times, hospitals are for the sick, as the delivery should come from light, what will it be today and forwards, we should all wonder.  

this is a real life, where perhaps chemicals are simply not needed, and cures for viruses are contained in the expertise of our combined loop of systems to decouple trash from light and proceed with its genetics with new bonds and bones to store the messaging for our future of reference material of all.  how else do we discover, but with a truity of a self for the selves of ourselves, see?

how all could be known and forgotten so readily will and is perhaps a mystery in these days, as one looks and listens to the multitude of intent from a direction of travel known only to the broadcaster, its a funny world.

close quarters are not my bag, it seem, as a lifetime of discovery should have been more practiced and honed, perhaps today would be a much different world of access and discovery as architecture and circuitry through the minds and constructs of the maintenance of true functions to proceed with the numbering of our ratio, as angular correlation of theta phi, and observation.

realities written and maintained as alternate realities drive forwards those in a desperation to clear without a clear conscious perhaps, sad is that realm of misunderstanding and maintenance.

the offset is no longer a sensory sense of rubber bands of balance nor treads of the threading of a screw to hold up a wall of no particular importance, heady head-stop is quite an alternation of nations and power with even oddly uneven access unavailable towards those in need.

its going to be a funny world, tomorrow and hence - these facts and treasures pondered as relics in a non operational society where truth is discovered over and over and not simply a simply known, as light intended.  the language echoes forwards and backwards as travel becomes difficult for the even and odd pattering of feet, and yet, we cannot truly cry or be known as laughter and the exchanges of the all togetherness.

yes, emotions are altered exchanges of emotions towards angular observance of an actions, echoed further, towards anothers confusion.  odd that.

the preceding utterly ludicrous ooozery has been jesterly forethought for benefits of mankind in kind and forward livability, towards the noticement of one another and forthwith the banded spectrums of light beamery creamery.  full stop.  aqua q.


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