the mood of water

the mood of water, moves and sticks within and for itself, and as its all around in the air and in the ground, and in its purity is non reactive to the ironic core of our planet, or perhaps is very justly the stickiness which is hugely gravometrical as tons and tons of immeasurable balance both pushing and pulling away, as our life does on these surfaces, the mood is a continuation of a flow of ideas, from the onset offset offshore shoring of its placement, drawn up likely just after a globule of immense cohesion first placed from where nearby likely as the likely and likening symmetrical force of the forceries of metal, or perhaps then rock or the trillions of particles and particulars of dirt and the many sands which were to be formed by its thrashing and absorption of vitality for the oceans and its creatures, which were then made into bones and fins to swim about and be about the very place which is life.

blood is a funny substance, sometimes warm and often cold, both providing for the creature and both containing the metals from the very under-surfaced earth.

the cold has a very self and signaling duty for the non-observation of itself, as protective is life, towards a being which ne’er protects others, but is still serving in the facts of life and thus still available for life to continue justly.  our fish and our snake, both opposite sides of the planet coarse such a blood and seek themselves a warmth of the provider of others, however ironic in these cases which the provider is providing their very lives, including towards each other for the further unfortunate yet pathways justified ecosystem of the unbalanced or perhaps rebalancing of this bit of chaos, as mentioned earlier, which are additionals to chances not discovered initially and thoroughly enough at a creatures start, to encode their messages justly for the equilibrium as designed for them, and so they carry on, and we do.

the warmth, of this blood, provides for in and about and furthering our previous hero, our caterpillar, whose lifetime has been discussed and enjoyed as he and she in fact did their entirety of life and living and carry forward their warmth towards the like and likeness of their kind and in kind others for these processes of continuation of success, which is the forward and backward and still forward thinking and behavior of any creature with a wit to match the planet from and onset and lives very natural way to carry on this motion.

so back to water . . .

even in its purity, its electrons spin, and thus it finds its own environment, perhaps against a rock or a trough or a larger body with the sky above it, and i do believe it knows its surface.  for the surface is where it changes, and surely even a simple electron knows about change, for that is its very nature, and so they spin and align, and spin, and because they have the ability to see their proton as larger than life to itself, and the other particles within the atom are corollary to the largest portions, which in turn are turned by, consider them the feet like our caterpillar, the atom of water forms its body, as it is known, and this body enjoys electricity as any other, and radio is electrical, and warm bodies transmit electricity, and so the waters mood reflects, and reflect it does from the sky up for signal and down as well to the other creatures, and even to the electrons embedded in this body, and provides for it to be noticed and live and be consumed and moved to the places it may find and be found as beauty in the what is needed and enjoyed, and as its pouring over itself and these ideas, each electron continue to spin like a wheel, motioning one another to be like and liked and in like kind be kind towards those who are also so, and so, is its messaging to procreate, and by procreate i mean to maintain the natural messaging in those moments of electron alignment, and to be picked up and swallowed perhaps into the warmth, where its electrons are yet still more powered on, and as it moves, it carries with it the strong atomic forces of the water its left behind, and carries on messaging from far away as to whether and weathered, this is the direction to travel for the benefit of life, for it is at its very center.

and further the precipitation and cleansing of water to ensure that unliked messages are cleared and that things can begin again for our kind fluidity, in which the sediment is left to the earth and its creatures to notice and further organize a means to signal the lattices of creatures on the positivity which came out of such a precipitous moment, so to quite literally speak.

water of course, does spin around, and as we're always in between one place or the other, this is also known as the opposite which attracts the ability to move at all, from north to south in fact, at the axis tilted, because otherwise the planet wouldn't spin at all, which is entire basis of life, this slight offset and spin, at an angle, which like a stripe of candy or more precisely the way one might turn and peel an apple or a potato, although in the opposite by means of applying and stripping and reapplying the what is just from the sun as we turn and our beings flock for heat and their behaviors create the need for water to be used and cleansed.

it is known that water can do its will, by weather alone so strong that, while man, plant, animal and even mineral, have come in concert to produce such an event, be known that even a vastly apparent destructive force of the strong weathers of water, are made purely to further provide a sort of deployment of itself to further its duties to travel to the what is needed, if even for itself, for the needs of the summation and culmination of all of the rest, although apparent by mass and time, and thus unexpected and large, yet noticed to the point which is hopefully grappled with and planned for our heroes by perceptions future and abilities.  thus water is the ultimate in confidence, and is really only defeated as entrapped by a toxicity of fire+material, which it spends its origins fighting against, for even far away its heard its own sizzling screams of the near end to its atomics, and as some escape into vapor, and perhaps are further trapped and embedded with coal in the air, the lesson continues for our fair and just water, and just water plus what is required for life is what we and hence water agree to carry and the arrangements in the skies are like to, with senators as clouds to direct the battle onward and over to never be over, yet and over and over again.

. . .

at these stages, with the planet turned inside out by our own ingenuity, and likeness to dig and dig and utilize what we find, and find how to utilize is now what we do, and everything must have a purpose, despite our true belief that this purpose is to leave what one cannot use, but find and discover and discover for and for another we still do, and pipelines are built because we can't use all the oil from one place, and without need we create a need, because it is so fast and so specifically where we found it that it must be gold, we think to ourselves with a greed perhaps, and in actuals because it is so toxic, and locked away for reasons we may ne’er discover as its been plundered and moved about so many times and ingested and fed to our fish, and soils, that water in these stages is locked up in its own cages as it were, and living has become a muckery for our said water, and even it may not be heard very far away, as its material time is spent spinning idly from a place without savior, where water has saved all of us time and time again, the oil is so toxic that it cannot even be ingested as a lucky salad for a fellow, where at least the fats would agree and stay with this man for the lifetime of himself to get to another salad.  and yet.  while we have a lot of it, water, we have a lot of this crudity as well, and crude as we are to continue and carry it on and over to burn the skies and ground a bit more to get to places and behaive like the mode of transport is our usual consumption, our cars become ourselves and our feet, very unlike and unlikened to our caterpillar, and creates for us all sorts of wrong signals and directions, for we need to utilize and fix the very signaling onto the vehicle which surely cannot signal for itself, nor to the trillions of roadways we've trampled with the same petroleum which fuels us, onto the ground as asphalt, further trapping up water, even as it drops from the skies and is run over time and time again by the slicks of a slick exhaust, again bringing us to nowhere in particular, as is not know the quadrillions of useless messages and interception of said electro-chemical messaging we impact in even our light travels to a supermarket, to pick up package goods, which in turn were shipped in this fashion.

and the planet is cold for those who need it warm, and hot for those that need it temperate, and the water is unbalanced in favor of the favorable whose favors are to transport it with aqueducts and further in plastics and trucks and man made lakes and the watering of lawns for the good looks of a suburban development designed to look good in the 1950s, and to further separate us from nature, and to provide an interior to an education to continue to do so.. and even separate us from cities, who while are as well asphalt in construction, at least have the oddity of diversity and diversion to spin oneself in the possibility of a direction to make a change.

and in any event, as some have learned and settled, the eventfulness continues, and we slip pieces of paper through the mail to make our choices now, and don't rudimentarily encode them on a leaf, as we're in the larger than life moments, and in these moments, our belief carries us far, and sadly as belief as an idea without success does not reach an aero-chemical-ground encoding, only those who maintain themselves internally may continue for a time, as their materials allow them, without a survivability that is nature, which continues on, however poisoned a message we have created, and muckery of the signal which is meant both for us and for the all now incredible numbering and organization of instantaneousness to move even a slight bit to the left or right or in fact up and around is well, and well understood and continues to be trodden, and our slight caterpillar is hopefully in range for a lifetime of lifetimes and we do, should know that's not enough, and to perpetuate, is simply that, and is ongoing and forever, and so we take this brief in-flight pause, to encourage you to find a direction to move slightly or gently or in kind kind of way to fiddle or faddle not and to, with each step find yourself and the parts which need to spin for others to find others, and the monument is your daily activities to do so, and complex is what we've made it and staticity is what has provided our profound need and actual desire to change, and that grappling with a current of water is not likely to reckon well, as in a well, which is both buried and buries man who continue to put water in a bad mood.

this has been and continues a continuation of life and living with a proximity of all things known to man, in the minds and bodies as available and the re-transmission of materials to the planets, spinning ever onwards towards our very likable sun., aqua q.


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