the answer

the continuation of the answer is a question for means of occupying a space of time, hence their similarities, and commas are pauses and branchings of new spaces for the enjoyment of some however predilicious towards others as they branch with you and create a story which is not altogether pleasuring until the end which is not yet known in light company.  that is a little photon joke.

going back, again which we cannot to that bang, however we do bang on it, and bang about and the big one was just an answer if you could be there and were here and here is there and about again and isn't it grand and our first question was.. just what was it.. what could one possibly say, and there was one and others followed etc, and again, which is too soon to be again, the question was likely to listen to the monument of continuing answer, and how is listening a question, well its not outloud you see, and that is the part of the answer and the continuation of such, and it weeps and thats where the rain came for, and so forth i skipped a bunch but it did not and as its been said has been done and done? well and well and wells and etc the likes and so forth and not forth yet because there was no direction in particular and since we weren't traveling in any direction in particular there was no need to look back, which is how you figure out where you are, and going, and coming back to, and there was no coming back.  this was it and by it i mean this and boy we got our planet, too?  a circle for us, because some of us thought we could look forward and back at the same time, and that again is a little time joke, for which does not exist to be known unless you do look back, and that perhaps was and is still part of the bang - i mean, to look back without turning around and question an answer with an equal power, for there was only one power, or type to be known and the juxtopposites of a kind and liking way to discover each other has just created a place larger than we'd ever run into ourselves again, and always do anyway which is likened to... well an ex that.. well not an ex, but imagine you can and never disconnect, and you get used to it, you draw it in.. and it draws about you - swirly - and since you're used to it you think the universe works like that, and it does for you, until one day you can be discovered and people just stick to you, and you cant get rid of them because you're raw power and hold onto everything, because everything is good to hold, you know?  and so you trust it'll all be untangled, and it is, and it carries you and on, and more to the.. what was it again? i suppose, which is a supposition or overlay of items which may not directly relate in other realms or facts yet but always do for one keen enough to keep track of them for everybody until the end of that conversation..  hence the interrupt being energies to provide for the continuation of the answer was and is so appreciated for the benefit of anybody and any thing here and far for eternity as is our nature of beginning to unend.

funny we should place a period above, but it helps us move along.

yes of course there is more and less is more of it, only to staunch the velocity which makes us go without cause, or to a cause which outcomes are already known, so perhaps we take examples.

well, physicality - we have it now, so that's important.  and by we i always meant that - just as the universe, and eww i'm not sure I like THAT term, see voices raised in text which was meant to argue a point we all agree on, and carrying that forward creates this loop of string where we think CAPS are a good idea, and see we said caps without an argument and everybody reading is going to be confused.  pop culture.  it comes and goes away and is relived when we're old and want a cheap smile from ourselves and another, and to ensure that we did travel through time to get to a place where we i supposed needed to be cheap, or at least use the economy to laugh and expose a synapse as a sort and offering to another listener as to latch and become a part of our brain, for that synaptic period which is its self defense against a listener who will simply not let go. blip.

. . .

electrical systems are functioning, and that is good.  

could you imagine, well of course you can. silly.  

looking around we see only, and not looking around shows, or some trickery of language, and not back to velocity.

. . .

characters B rode gently up the lift.  the staircase had been broken and there was a sign: 'be brief in the elevator, there's only enough power to get to the floor your going to'

the windows of this building were a sort of blue, clear, with blue droplets of water clinging to them. did I say cling? as if it were for dear, life. and dear and loved it was and when you've been isolated in a droplet on the 57th floor, you'd be clingy too and probably wondering who would take the stairs to such heights, or even build them that high.  do people like being stacks atop one another? surely they must.  the cup clinked.

coffee was on our characters mind, because he grew to the taste and the effects of walking to and from an inanimate object which returned without question, an object of his desire, to his liking if he were early enough to make a pot. . . and he was and is, here now and the pot had already been made too, was the smell from around to the next cubicle.  he poured his cup and moved around to see.

it was a fresh clean cubicle, and a fresh clean sitting woman or man, doesn't matter at this point in the story, now does it unless you're expecting something out of it, which you shouldn't because this is an office environment and we just came to see about the coffee.

'which is delicious,' one of them not necessarily known to each other or whether one of them said it before the other or whether that also matters to our listener, or reader depending on ones predilection of eavesdropping on the lives of others.

'yes it is' was the simultaneous answer from one to the affirmation of the statement from the other, or both, and is know known to be the same thing.

'its early and i thought I'd make a cup, and the pot was there, and i was thinking of tea, or was i or you see now I'm thinking of tea perhaps again and I have this coffee, which is still delicious.  its too early in our conversation to carry on this like, isn't it?'

'you said it was early' 

the two looked at each other and thought to themselves they might well sip the coffee and enjoy some and it was still good.


'perhaps i can ask what you're doing today, or with your bits of life that are in the here and immediate daylight future for the we and the company which provides this space for us to sip coffee?  I'm dan and I make things over there" he pointed.

'oh, I was told we didn't have to decide so early, and that I should just get a cup of coffee and see what happens.   they haven't paid me yet, you know, I'm an intern.  I see the things that need making and make things around and about it to provide heat and energy for the group to carry on productively.  i brought lunch today, which is a forward thing to brag about, 'yay i have food, let's think about my gut this early in the morning,' but there you have it.. coffee, food, and the idea that I won't need to eat the food, until I run out of ideas.  and that's why I made the coffee and we're talking'

dan was trying to decide if he was still clever and stammered at the realization that he'd have to turn on cleverness with no apparence, and so whipped out his phone to check something.

"he didn't know either, which is why I'm here"


"i said. . . well I'm here, what do you know? as in hey whaddya know about that" she, and now she was quite definitely a she because we needed her pronoun, and I suppose we could have asked.

"Its quite alright" he said to the point of nothing, which confused the she who hadn't identified herself by name and as such looked up a bit at the preceding paragraph and tapped her now available pen against the palm of her hand.

"is there a whiteboard to diagram?  i thought one here would be good."

bubbles on the tops of dan's coffee cup burbled into each other and clung to the side of the ceramic.  yes he was clever.  he wanted to tell her about the water on the window and how the air bubbles in the middle of this mixed up water was driven by the water itself: air and water, air behaving like water and water like air.  fascinating.  he felt he was telling her because he was thinking about it and decided this was a point to continue the non verbal dialog, which may have saddened her, because she looked down, but into her coffee cup, which explained why.

'yes, the bubbles match the dew on the window, I thought you were going to mention it'

'of course I did and that's why we're talking.. would you like to know more? its all here. . . and there. . . and all together you know, as in fashion the cyclical means to travel in like kinds to be recognized and carry packets of data to other like kinds, simul-instant-like and the like, which is our points in similarities'

the pause meant i could continue. . .

'the coffee, while just and seemingly fluid, is actual and while it has made friends with the water temporarily, it carries 40 chemical messages for us, and the water, while friends with both coffee and ourselves, is doomed to trick us into drinking it, so that it can escape cleanly from the mess and quite it is, its gotten into.'

'so you're saying coffee had to trick somebody to get what it wanted, and what it wanted was to be inside of us?'

'quite definite that we wanted to be near it, and likewise a bean must be like that, fibre for the heart but in this case the opposite, so it tricked us from the start, and we are water, so that's probably where that began.  in fact, coffee actually loves water, and grows on the sides of mountains to get the runoff, and that is likely because water is naught foolish enough to hang around further that water wouldn't enjoy it, and the trickery would become sad for both, so the agreement is to let the water run through and feed it, then get stuffed and ground up and accelerate water once more, as a little japey payback for the health, and that speeds up everything in a water system, including medication and anything which activates, and how does that affect power?  well it must use up the available energy for water travel, and so along with the acid, drains power from the blood, ever apparent that it is doing the opposite, which is a little joke about what power is, as a provider or as a suck, and coffee sucks and we suck it, and we suck at things out of our control, and we control coffee, or so we think, and thinking is what we like, and damned be the foolish red blood cell that's trying to keep the planet alive, eh?"

'well, that's put and right away isn't it, and my name is laura.  its nice to know you like my name, I can see the way you typed it lower case, and dan is alright, for now'

what she wanted to say she did, and listened as we all did, and the water?  well we can see their cups are 65% full, approximately the same, tho dan sipped a bit more because he was standing, and they are both considering both finishing and simultaneously doing away with coffee; however it is so perfect, in its description that we and they can't help but continue to be fooled and enjoy a cup now and again, and again is now, and the two took their sips

whats happening now is the questioning or perhaps excitement or remembrance of the ease of work which coffee allows us to do.  up. down.  sip.  swallow.  ease.  allowed work and an easy economy which allows us to do so, as in the 1980s, which any like high rise office environment is very like, a throwback to a place to get out from wherever was on ground, and into the 1950s, and higher and higher without taking drugs, except this pot of coffee, which again, is allowed.  and we don't like to answer questions, we like to create solutions, as we're not children, and we spend our money and we likely buy coffee for the home, which in its way is portable corporate environment for our living spaces - and metal and glass too, etc.

dan took out a peanut cookie, shaped like a peanut, and offered it upwards towards Laura, who declined politely because she was 6 feet away and didn't feel like getting up, and as he dipped it in his coffee, she took out her lunch bag and a bag of grapes, and noshed on one.  she could tell he was a little jealous of her grapes and offered him some

'not with the coffee. . . or cookie,' confirmed his jealousy with a lowered voice and shrunken shoulders.  ok they were already shrunken a bit, but when you notice something for the first time you apply it to what you knew immediately previously.  and she was getting frustrated that she didn't have that line and it was unassigned as casual causal thinking on the part of our Q, who was evident now and writing all our bits.

'ya know, of course you do dan,' she got up and sort of said to the sky.  'that its 8am and there's nobody else on the floor, and yet we can carry a conversation as in continuity and likeness and etc, and how do you think that is, without another?' she peered around a now found potted plant which was 4 feet high.   it was well watered, and odd that it be so in such a high office. 'who choose these plants?' she asked out loud to dan 'office plants shouldnt need this much water, its bad for the structure'

'oh, that's a nice looking plant tho.. i think we inherited it from another floor that was vacating'

'ah that explains that, a failure produced something which should not be, here.  and it is nice, which is why they liked it, and i hope this isn't the plant that made them fail."

they both grinned at that one, and at the plant.

while, and that the plant observed this by sucking up more water, greedy thing to do at a time like this, and that perhaps was the problem - the soil didn't want the water, the plant didn't really need it, but enjoyed it so much that they kept watering it, which delighted the plant to the point where it wanted to be moved closer to the dew on the freshly washed skyscraper windows, which it believed also was why the water stuck to glass.. to feed friendly and lonely plants on this the 57th floor again, which the plant overheard and planned to use in light conversation  'like the ketchup,' was the sound of it supping more water as the two looked on.

'that plant is going places, you wanna help me move it to the window for some sun?'

'and to visit those droplets of water too?'

'yes, and to keep everybody aware that plants get what they want around here too,' and the plant stopped supping water and let off some oxygen for the gentleman and woman to utilize for its own benefit.  and it hummed.

they trustled it across the floor, leaving a bit of muck behind, and that was like blood to the plant, and so it missed its spot for now, and was deciding to enjoy what it wanted for an even second and was anxious that it would be out of normal conversational circles, and would the waterer find it, and. . well so many questions, here comes the sun, right in this spot that it had wanted and been placed, even so carefully as the tilting it had done was just moved towards the light, giving it the option to straight back up, and it did, in its genome and while it was still tilted, it was looking up, and the leaves were turning as the stalk was straightening and all felt good, and these are the moments that plants dream of and when plants dream, we utilize the water that we supped, into material wealth for the trans-disposition of carbon dioxide into oxygen, and etc.

'well laura, this is our morning, I'm going to walk over there and post whats on my phone which are the events of before and later to be known and we, the company, are hoping you'll stay, and you can set up anywhere you'd like, and the whiteboards are in a big office across, over, there,' he pointed to a big glass room.  'and you can draw all you'd like, when you like, and the usual whiteboard rules apply, and I'm keen to see what you do draw, and with that I'm off"

and the two smiled and the one, then other sipped their coffee and each felt the day had become, as trickery or naught, fun was the reasoning they put themselves in situations, and this situation was well and fine.  she thought of the water again, and wondered just a bit about how water might be the tricky one to start, and or are humans the tricky ones to employ water as a means of communication.

Well Q imagined for her, that men are electric and women are fluid, and the vices and versas of man as machine and mother earth are, well. man gets water out of the air, and through osmosis and skin is a particular and strange lengthy organ of perhaps string, in theory anyway.  should he tell her about fingerprints?  as in the record player, audible to the organ, which plays for the water piped and admired - how else were we to be known, thought the skin, as their is so many ways, but our hands are where it begins and ends, see the print.  you're looking now, and I'm not because I know the pattern, and its an ouroboros, and that is your clue for the early morning.

carry on gents, and madame, as is the usual collation of sexes at a cocktail party such as this, and on the Heinz floor, do stop by the plant once more for a conversation or several lifetimes of shredded shedded vibrational velocity for the chloroplasts to saunder in, this is radio eleven and you've been smattered by the very and legendary as in that boxy thing on the bottom of maps, aqua.  Q.


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