san francisco


bodies of electrons move through space, as do bodies of water, and bodies through water, or clay.  

panoramic, enjest, sky electrics and earth ground water, pure, but where does the city begin.  trapped up globules of sweat and tears, and sometimes a smattering of gluconic, antibiotic, tronic tonic juice, rex 8 or what's sidled tires wide in the middle of the street just.  its what is allowed to flow, bowed up and sailing in the radio wind tunnels, mirrored on skyscrapers, passed through glass, gassed, and stead footed cold plank as astral matter passes through a seam, seamingly into your pocket and down a trouser drain, just to watch a pizza being ordered for a far away king.  

so this is, perhaps a city like no other, how could it be, and be just that, at this time, and why and how else could it be in another time, except for yesterday and the of course, coarse, corsetted up tomorrow, borrowed with a feather featured on a homing pidgeon that lost its way.  so many like that, these days, with a note, and no tray for dinner.  speck.

but you may wonder, about stories from east to west, around tunnels, and blocked out traffic stops, a woman wonders to give your heart away for the good of somebody, herself, perhaps she hopes, to get to the west end.

so many of these, passed passwords through thin veils of imagined signs and lights and recurring mcdonanlds signs, for some reason.. they were cheap to make.  so here we are, on demand, cable, for the watcher and the listener, and modifier, and the poppins, missed her umbrella and carriage returned naught with a pumpkin sauce in a glass slipper, again.  it was a funny evening.

so walk we did, who's was that?  a set of eyes for the evening, and simulatenous tryouts - dreams that are neither for or from the recorder, player, seller, better, for worse in fact.. so strange that all the body parts came together in that packaged dreamery, some skill there, with further recording for actions to carry on.. it was a funny day.  so e.g. take tab a and slot b and a box and a circle and mush them together with a happy meal for 69 cents and you'll get the picture, in stereoscope, with a neither again - sent packaged up like cheese, rubber stamped and taped or was it string, or was it a ball and codder, nodder jotter fodder whey.  perhaps

and so the hills are eyelines, and the feet escalators with stairs and dips and follows.  who agreed to yesterday, and did it work again today? likening that to a whatever did that really happen kind of moment, one could believe anything for one moment for an entire scape, escaped, like the upper left key that we jab and hammer at like a first and last option.

and so upright, we find the safest craze of all, the funnest power draw, the elements together for some such or another, as in a game of final jeapardy, when you know damned well it'll be on again tomorrow, with the same guests, betting the same money for a word score, or however that's well played, I didn't spend the time to take the notices. down.

so we are lucky in fact, to have played a mighty play, and not finished it, as even doom can play on a pregancncy test these days, funny compute that baby.

to be absolute and serious, in such fastasmical ordering, that people just open up walls and let electrics run up and down their bodies, just to warble a bit, until the locks turn, of course - simplex has nothing but a 45 minute waiting barrel aged oak stop.

so play the numbers, wow who would even bet the lottery in this city - its oddly even enough to pull several dollars out the coat pocket, and trot it across a glass table, to reflect on the poor choices which bring you to spend thrift into a city program that neigh'r does good for schools for kids you despise or don't know in any account.  but the sign lights up nice across the bay view and light brights are kind of a thing for anybody traveling well, sorts.

so yes, I miss outside like a I miss inside now, and before, and later, and after, again too - and of course it desn't end - it only just pauses, if even that - like a remote, controlled, now who left the batteries at the store again, you might say.

word plays isles of pews in churches, or so I would imagine, like a book followed along with a finger, or was it a nose, or an eyeglass.. well I have to digress there - the wood pulpets are a little too narrow for this wild eye..  they seem to dress nice. which I appreciate.  I would love to touch on faith, but the jokes still linger and I can't seem to get past past pastor tenses, even and oddly a nodding of nottingham neigh'r, again that word, did place not, except that priest house where the children gathered to talk about it, over a glass of naught wine, again.  that was a funny day, not too..

so the mystics are likely at it again, just to question your questioning, just to be, imagined, and to imagine you doing what they want -- its all in good figures and speech, spoken softly at an angle so you just might get it, before you pass it by, or not - if you use your stupid voice.

trapped up in a mirror on the floor was she, so sorry for your avatar, I couldn't help but draw.. hope you got out - else best not dream of a water droplet disturbing your endeavor to see around a corner, just, fluid as it may be, relieved, as I remember.

much much more to relax and share and just be around, which is nice - which is kind of now too, although be it not of idealist realistic happiness, which we evidently didn't want anyway - funny, I thought we did - but I think we wanted again, fluid and electrics.. and grease, like the play or made for TV movie, where the odd duck get the girl as is so many of those types of films.

receipt for the reciperacal is not required, to ride, nor is height, unless that's where you're looking - they migh be giants would be a good cue up and so it will be, after a brevity in pause.

dot dot well that turned a sour apple patch off right ways.  oh well

so anyway, and that is justly brief to choose just any way, but even to follow, unless you'd like - but symmetry is kind, in kind, and of the, etc. ya know.. how.. that.. goes.

so adlibs are your chosen adventure, open to page 23, for your golden age, radio, ratio, egg drop bot soup chicken and hen and the road less traveled, for a timer which soft boils, toils, brings gizzards for eddie or was that meatloaf, again, oh the horrors.. is it saturday already?  the brief on halloween will likely be.. well.. umm.. ooo.. umm.. well it'll be a cup of tea balanaced on a salt shaker, which in turn, is burrowed inside of a hat tucked under a mothers arm, or perhaps her man, or one in the same, from left side right up, its a makeup world.  candied waiting rooms flicker the sky to look for it, and lose a sack of sweets once more, down a hatch, ette, or was that soap again - nailed it - the gobbled streets or.. well.. we'll just wait and see.

42 lines and so much said already - its this time where we hit the pub, sub, send, spread, spectrum, drummed up and rolled in a machine meant for the latter kind, kind of, on a tray of coca cola no less, stashed and with a box of chocolates and champagne, in excess some time ago.  its this time.  that we say hello again, and cello up.  its the notes between x and y - I think its zentative framotics, or was it just a knock on wood, plonk.  cat hair on end for that one, naught a meow in this latter stage of the state of the orchestral hands -- but tune in the bass, and go catch a fish. good nye.  rye bread has fennel and that's alright too.  

the proceeding was a matter of fact jestering of oozy ozular looks spotted owled and howled at the moon which is evidently still shining, if only to steal thunder from kittens from the nodder side of the world, hello again, and try reading that rightside down,  peace.


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