heady headstop

heady like the truckstop bottle dropped sun-side in a weathered balloon shot up to the sidle of an isle like those who followed down a highway towards the skyline oasis of puddles to smacker at.  it was that kind and day again.  and by day i mean the middle as is the maths of night and this is that and another for the quiet quite ledger of vertical drops for a robot to read to you and another and ato the all around roundness of ocity the velo kind of cheese that boxes cook for the dips to chip away at and the meter sticks into it and makes a spicy splashed up bit of ooze to enjoy, for what else is there?  leisure is our pronoun tonight, and we name it thus so as to utilize the measure of bars and beats and treasure to bury for later as in the coined termed paper you neglected to write the evening before dew drops ponders a muddy sandal toed continuation of a runner on sentences in a jail cellular conversation which a copy writer turned you onto, like a car keyed for digital entry in an age of golden ratio fibonacci, the petal rose as grows on you, tattoo lady.  

what was her name again? came a quiet whisper across the room where needles drew and women showed their buttocks to other women to tauntle for, if that were a word, and it may be just and those drawings, where did you get them from?

'they're from a notebook i've been meaning to keep yet keep losing, as in my mind.'

she flipped through the artbook, 'look here's another.. do you think that would look good here?'

'your other buttock'... 

yes and slightly to the left this time, see if I raise like this, and I'm on my side.. you know, well.. for the. . . 

'shoot, I lost another one.. that's the 3rd needle this week.. I've got to buy myself another set, but I've been using this one since the 80s... you know i draw on mt Claire before her movie career, remember she was all up into it and said it would never end. it was her buttock too, funny choice of wordings... she had me right up there.'

'up where?' asked the notebook women.. 'oh, I see.'  she looked at the pictures Ava was showing her now.  'in any event, yes she's beautiful, and i never saw the films... stag were they?  kind of dark lines there, don't you think?  and what's that?'

'just that.. its just a star with an arrow through it.. clever if you're into a cupids way out of town, as she was..  well she was my invention.. she'd come in during the middle of the week and let me draw and pay me in tips from the movies and we'd have a chat about what was next and next to, and sometimes we'd go in the back and .. well she was she and I was me and it was good to see her from all sides'

and so the women lit up, her cigarette, and flipped through the book that was being handed to her, as ava drew more on her right buttock and began to hum.  it was a tune, out of, and slight and they took their time away from each other and carried on in their minds.

mt. Claire was flipping out, in the book in front of this young woman.. flip flip.. and flipping.. she's flipping people off there, and flipping over there.. and over .. and over there.. and all over.. what a spread.. and what a book, she looked at the back cover.. 9 and 99 cents for this one.. that's not bad for the 80s, I should get a pair'

'like this?' Ava turned her head up.. 'like you want that here?'  she motioned at one of the images from the book and pinched her patrons ass just a bit, and winked.

'oh sure.. I'd like a bit of mt. Claire, and some more about how she was, if that's part of the bargain'  it was.  she looked at her arm a bit.. following the curves which had been drawn by her own hand in strifier times and squared as in the city where she fled in a summer not far from the swelter that ripped it from her profession, which was high finance, so to speak.

'and that comes with a smile, if you're interested,' said the now positively gleaming young Ava, and she put her hand on the notebook and closed it.

and closed doors, for an afternoon, the two enjoyed a bit of by mt. Claire, towards and in and around and about spiral and twists in the back and roomy sectional couched plodder which was the shop where pleases were aimed, like cupid and the star.

. . .

'oh carry on with it, then, I'll take more of that any day.. or evening .. here's my number'

the paper read with a plus, as in from Europe, or thereabouts, in the thirty-one range, if that was accurate, and it was and she began window shopping herself, to understate an understanding.. and she was eyed wide, with the rest of her, and shop she did.. from the inside out.


the cobble streets where shoemakers cobbled shoery's is our next roadstop to a man who was also shopping, in the lives of facts and measures to dress as successor to a planet, just up the road, and to the left, and left to his own devices was he, outside in the rain where anything could and usually did, on his watch, happen.  he looked at his watch.  watched, and watched he was.

he was followed eastwardly and down a bit until he was noticed and there was a bit of closure in and some cars began to pull around, and other men got out of cars and began to walk towards the man, all the while the man stopped, to gently see what was moving and in which direction.  and to see who stopped and who was near.  and the nearest to him pulled out a packet of papers, neatly tied as in a manilla envelope, and tucked it under his arm.  

'you'll want to come with me.. shall we take a walk?'

'a bit of a pause, a slightly uneasy, our character, looked, and turned with the man to have a conversation. .. and they walked.

'ya know, you left us up last winter, we have the pictures ya know.. it was a crazy run finding you, you're not so easy to spot when you're not making waves like Geneva, are you?'

'did they all make it out?'  asked the man

'yes all but three, we have them.. they're safe and within means and agreed to help us find you, if you can find them' came the reply

'oh, i see, and that was what they told me this morning as well.. I declined'

'of course you did,, thats why we're... I mean.. I'm here..' .

'yes the cars... not so obvious that anybody would notice that down the corridor, eh?  all shopping at marks and spenser again?  i mean the budget reads like a show stocked by one and the only, what was her name again?'

'Penelope.. yes she runs the numbers and thought we'd all get new coats if we found you.. clever, look this has enough pockets to line yours, and etc.. here.. take the envelope. I've got to get going and wanted to give you time to read and such.. and the bridge is over there.. I suggest you take a stroll and give it some thought.. and if you don't jump over the side of that bridge, I'll take it as read that you're in and we can get onto business.   take it gently, mr gent'

drab was his humour, Rhett too the collage of photos from the spy X and tucked and bobbed away at the London fog he had worn himself.

'page 11 is the one we want'  and he walked away.

. . . 

leafing through this dossier was like a seeming seamingly of a party he was at just last year.. all dead or alive, as per usual.. he looked closely at one, ticked it out from between the pages, folded it into his pocket and tossed the rest over the side of that small bridge that was meant as a joke, but was perfect for recycling these matters, like water under a bridge, no less.. he chortled gently and moved on forward and onto his next stop.. with a telephone.

. . .

the phone chimed..for 12 and half minutes.  the operator was listening.. he could here her breathing.  'all right in there mavis?  got enough toffees to last the conversation'  this was her exchange and she knew the party he was trying to reach.  'she out you know.. went down to the pub half past, you can still find her there she just rung up pete and they're all on their way about to their next stop, if you can catch her.' 'thanks mavis.. you've saved my life on this one, and I'll send more toffees when I get out of the isle.  click.

notebook under her arm, man on the other, the young women walked out the pub and into a black cab.. they rode into the city evening, with music from bolero playing lightly on the stereophonic speakered dial tuned radio programme.  'and this is radio eleven,' the driver turned down the volume.

'so its west end again, eh?  you client, alright, is just up and to that house, there.'  he pointed.  and when you get it, you'll need this bottle of dom and that's your entry into the back room, get it?  and get it.. we have 25 minutes and you should finish, or he'll finish you, and me.. and I'll be around to pick you up, on time. right?'

'right, ' she got out with the bottle and walked up to the steps, stepped up and took her key out.  she jiggled her bosom and the lock and fingers the bottle of champage just gently enough to remind herself that this was her job of jobs tonight.. and she looked good.. she peeled up her dress and showed her garter to the driver, winked, and rode in on the bottle towards the rear of the flat, and her client's client client.. 

. . .

james sat up from the comfort of his suede couch and couched his cigar between his lip and breathed out.   he took the bottle from the young women, who he knew as. . . 'claudia.. would you like a glass'  'oh its chilled.. but you're hot.. here..'  he poured two glasses, clicked them himself, and handed her one, which she held up, to the artwork on the eastern wall'

'its nice' she said, to the artwork 'reminiscent of ramport.. or that other one.. you know'  her accent was gently dumbed down for this one.. she knew it was.. and was.. she stammered.. good one, she thought to herself.

'yes, I forget myself with that one, which is why we're here, again, right? to forget ourselves and get ourselves, on, in fact.. or was there another matter you came about?"

'I keep coming, back and forth, for you and the plug, you know the show.. '

'got any interests this time I should know about?  i mean last time was a surprise.. . . and a good one'

'yes interest, high heeled interest like the bank rolled royces of pottery barnyard animal cookies glistened softly in a chewy ooze of sauntering saunder muck pie jubilee between cold winter sheets to the wind galloped velvet candied apple smotter'

what?  she learned that from Q.  she bonked him on the head and smiled, she took some rope out of pocket, motioned, and tied him up a bit, to her pleasure, and then took out a pair of handcuffs and fixed his shoes to the chair, picked up the remainder of the bottle of champagne, and poured it into his mouth as his smiled expectantly.  

the bottle was of course drugged, and his smile turned into a half grin as he began to look as if he was having a stroke.. he seemed alright, just couldn't get on with moving any, and she pulled a bottle of pills from her purse and left it by his chair

'just enough for now, I've got to get on with getting off from here now.. let me just take a few notes and I'll be off'  she reached into his breast pocket and took his wallet, with some loose notes which seemed fresh and currenty.. and a small pouch with a diamond, of sorts'

'this is a bit more my speed' she eyed the lattice structure as it gleamed and pulsed a bit as she brought it close to some power in her purse.  'I won't be back again.. but the gents will to finish up..  best of luck with them... they're light staffed tonight, shouldn't hurt your feeling too badly'

she picked up her dress, snapped her garter at him and clicked the door closed behind her as the car pulled around and she hopped into the back seat this time, with the very berry sort of a man she'd been looking for all evening.. the map opened up between them as peaks and valleys and the legend to, golden and blissed right up for a tremor of a ride downtown, and around the bend, bent up slightly and to the left.. driven home, for the nowity of sake, and shaken gently, as in gentleman, and jacked slightly without a boozy onder, but plucked and swirled, until they were fast asleep, and the sun horizon hit the other side of the planet again, for this another day in the continuation of continuity.


the preceding episodic climatoidal frismotastical trolloped portion of ooey oz has been whizzed up the middle ground of wired magnetics for the very purposes of proposed time space displacement and should be willed and rendered thusly on your papers and screened lightly, photo shopped as for windows and the mac truck stop great and grated for cheese on an eggy finish for your evening as well.  this is aqua q and we bid a fair fare and well, from this radio eleven c 3 w


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