a title for, classed

astrular fromotics, jest heavily in the skies naught scened pop lit bopped. free will is indeed an answer to a non question which hasn't yet been heard, and that is probable and unbested, to-date anyway.

a good run, hmm. to a point of collection, as in one self, indeed.  deeded, heeded and headed, heady and westward, per the haps which were once hops and jaunters, saunters, Sunday summers and the rest is to come, just.

fly by night, indeed -- up and away or in and about, some and some more and less, in facts.

thyme is a funny plant, not as such that it creates a want to cook it gently, odd that a plant would want such a thing, and it oddly does not, but we do, i suppose, when we're sauced.  like the octopus on a shelf not forgotten.

the shimmer is shimming its way upright and the piano in the corner just had its fits, out worked and playful is she, the keys keyed to lit the phalanges of a madman just wanting to connect four diagonally and play it again, sam ashed.

56th street was the place, well footed, but that's besides, and the game, up -- it is raw and sound and LFO'd and formed in waves and pulses, pulsed the blender of ice for the chewey muck it makes us drink. oooh..

quite quiet and like a zillion hearts in a singular whole of holes, ya know -- heady and forgetful, but intro and speculative, and mild like a soap that ought to sell better on the 3rd shelf from the floor.  maybe better graphics and a punchy commercial, bang.

write save, and carries itself onward, like that song, take a listen, or give a folly - some and many of those and more.

it may be time, and time again to play, and what sounds, let's .. just.. seeee.


energies for the purposes of? waste or running on excess, like an engine with nowhere to go, and nothing hence to really say sans the prior.

whimsical as nature is, it's tone and tonality, and why those should go together, that they do is the reason - the flowy oodity that is the nature without commas even and more to that point, the continuation is appreciated as electrons just.

to expend is to use the past to measure forward an amount to place for use for the purposes of? well that is important for path based living, and also to empty a tank and place a psyche of living on a plane which is not starving, and not filled, for they are very much one in the same -- and I'll leave the detail for you to go back and over, and I know you won't because I won't, as it hurts, and so I hope you just get it. got it. good.

if i were to list all the reasons to consume, and then provide their corollary and opposite impact on hot bodies, you would surely ask what is the point here, besides taste, and what somebody said to me once, the rocks rumbling the stomach, 'still doing that eh?' and further, impacts of high temp sugar candy on digestive blockages - quite possible.  and electrolytes? remote power suck like standing next to a light pole. . . got a kite?

the experiment is always, the living part of the non-observation for the unchanging of the reality which is, and desired, for the communication and love within others, and the etc bits are just to pass the time.  providing a reason is only by chance that somebody will notice something new which tickles a fancy of current and unbored non-everything, even and oddly though that the everything is highly interesting; however debilitating it is for the sender to relay that kind of mass-in power thinking, etc - which is really a real-time sharing and compromised ability to filter secrets from what one should share with a group, especially when the group is all.  having secrets which are not secrets is definitely the key, and using the language in tune with all the listeners defines your message so that it is true across all boards.  this vastly simplifies messaging and while out of time may be completely boring, that is naught a job to have: placing messages for the future of somebody to grapple with.  I do, but that's because I'm talking to current, and this is a means to understand it myself.  pause. is when I say I understand, and the learning stops. eww.

and on with it . .  at 2am the, well, there is no 2am but quite and quiet.  this is a blip. blip. 

phalanges to toes, teeth eyes, knows radio, each movement in meaning, means, and friendly cost, paid for by another, who? and how to transact equally or to the benefit of, oh excited about the kite agin, aren't we beetle, juiced.

a giggle for the languished just-cause language, languity as it were, in the past, which is just that, hah.  

wishing for the words like this in skies, and they do, done, good.

for the lay awake lying down, while fun and sorts of sorted bubbles, it lacks the kind of unrighteousness and freedom to know to be able to do the whatever, is why standing is preferred; however, kicks are for the, pleasure? for some perhaps, and for others a reminder, or observation that things aren't quite right, nor left or put to center, pieced, like flower bobbles imagined on a dinner table for the auction, extra to win as a prize, which has no image here.  prizes are as generically known to create a separate and non-continuing, yet continuing as light images do . . . well listen. . .

(and so on) (you see, even a conversation carries on its own, and to what end if you've left it to run, is really out of your control, and the control of others who aren't really sure how to carry it, if you let them, and on, until a stop sign is reached, perhaps)

that is known in the body, our bodies, as each part of our body is discovered through another, and placed in a position to assist another, as known as discomfort or pleasure in fact.  when stated in either direction, that is the direction one (I say one as a corollary one to one travel, and by one to one, in all aspects, as in direct)  the one to many is thus preferred, to provide the corollary plus the 'option' as is now known, always take the option - well.. choose the option, which again is the point, and while not at all like being a point, it, and its not an it, is that, which is well and liked and good for all, see?  the option of choice is what is should, and willed to be good for all, and that is your job.  keep it. good.

so that reveling has begun, keep is slightly, that energy messaging may will or be required, and see, the messaging is already publicized and as known to be brief and provide many meanings, its actual application of meaning is taken out and placed for the defining of another unrelated, and wholly not part of the option which we choose for another future, which is happening all the time, and in fact by stating that bit, have defined another one to one to do just that, see.

ok then.

so all of that has been said, and thankful for texts which do come to an end, but in which part of the galaxy, will this messaging reach the listener and listeners of that listeners, mind the traffic, and at what time, if that matters, and by what matter, in space or density, oh the pleasures of knowing that, and would it be kind to know its placed just and knowing that reception will will and thusly be? kind and of, multiplied, yes.  very good.  you're welcome.

a sentence, commuted, is traveled, but not to an end, but to an understanding.  the symbol preceding is just to assist to carry you on within the vein, and that is quiet, literal, good.

peckish is when one searches for a reason to eat, and thus eats himself, ew.

more on string theory, as I understand it, which I do not.  trust that.  so i imagine the body as a singular string, which in fact is never the case, but begins the imagination here: so as virtual, or as known to be at the time of non-observation but use, this string is variable in length and provides all the twine required to make that gesture of truth and communication which is required.  that is to say, again, the body is a continuous loop of a string, well perhaps, or perhaps.. well its true.. its a closed system, and open as well, hence the communication, by option again, good.

so even closed systems, when open, can mingle, and mingle we do, fun hahah party laugh clink and the rest, and rest we sometimes do, for and the benefit of others, as in for the birds, which is quite kind because they allow us to rest also.  for brevity that is a good thing, and that is always, see.

sidetracked is like 8 lines of, oh it gone, ok then. matters of facts, are non-accurate when covered without a reasonable listener, when subject material is absent. all fine, and to continue, disjointed, stop gap, electron power jump, misled perhaps audible attention, full stop.

it is hence known that a full stop is never, and while never that is explained clearly in prior episodes, the messaging here is to not re-use and not change direction?  oh but what is the direction -oh yes, string.

so that is the part that was used prior - what a ball it was, in total I'd place it at a 1/4 mile or just more, of stringy oddity and not much use, as we saw a distraction completely blew off a bit of string, which actually went nowhere, as a little program to describe to nobody in particular, the workings of itself, which we know do for our pleasure, for what else is there. ok then.

so when the string pauses, it loosens in some respects, tightens in others, or, does it.  the question alters the decision on which strings to place in the forefront, and. . . . we're using the same bit of programme string that got us nowhere just earlier, grin.

this is surely like a long lecture which you knew would be long when you stepped into the hall and brought your lunch anyway because the wood seats were clean and the bees were after you outside and it was ham and you thought the lecturer was cute once from his picture somewhere you might see sometime, or perhaps you heard the echo, and you like echos or something.  at any rate, rated medium, and we dare not say another bit of string.  g this continuity is not at all the reasoning, and so we need more string - we're quite positively operating on the assumption that we're a small cute girl eating a ham sandwich and also a lanky, because we like that word, lecturer in a hall in the daylight in the middle of, a school session, which indicates a collection of people wishing to learn, or perhaps teach, and that is rightfully the point, and yay typing maintains a thought speed which is just enough to lose myself again, the lecturer put down his pen.  my name is.  he left it blank

'oh? is this where the dialog starts?' the young woman, who saw herself thusly in any regard, and she was, lit up

'in deeds as they are, the motion here is that point, and i suppose comms are warrants for the arrestment of an idea i was just and trusting the ponder on my own, but these workings are also play, and os'

'nice reply, as if I'm playing the young girl your after in this story, or perhaps you're still thinking of ham, or those bees.. you know, and of course you do, and I'll stay out of your head on that and, as I have my own voice, you're giving me to speak'

the room was just two, and well, a ton of stone faces, or. . none at all. . yes there weren't any stone faces, and in fact people were coming and going and doing their own thing, and not really noticing, or perhaps they were passing notes, and they are, and it was very open and understood as a requirement of living to be open, and thus it is.  and the notes were simple things like, can you help me with problem, or would you like to get something to eat.  .  and the problem was known to the other receiver of the note, hence the brevity of the message, and imagined it would be a math or engineering problem, and they would walk and chalk it out in their heads, and it would be sensical and knowable to the pair, and to all around who cared to tap into it, and they would walk around, and perhaps be known that day as the two who helped solve a problem that day, and the problem was simple and solved many people's problems that day, for the sole-ality that is was solved.  and pause.   and it was good day.

'i quite like it' the girl piped up, turning gently around and of course back to our lecturer, for that was her talking to person, and the man or boy or from whatever perspective you come from, passing notes and potentially solving the world for a minute and a day, well, is, well and noticed and on its own as described, and will now be described here, for the reasoning of many, to be clear and made which is our continuation of string theory.

'you do' the gentle man, said and meant, though was displeased to be labeled immediate as gentle without provocation that he be any other way, throughout past and tense, and tense it did not, and because there was no reason to be any other way, he relaxed.  see.  if he's said relaxed before, he'd be quiet and quite, yes again.  perhaps he should be gentle.  he'll try, came the faux angel of reason he'd placed in no particular corner, which was a mistake, perhaps.  she went on. . .

'you see too, ' she started, well, and again 'the preceding was my bit, interrupted by your bits, and while you've been writing my bits I've forgotten why you do, and can only assume that we are, and now one in the same, and that cannot be, and so, gentle as my eyes said you were, and oh my this is already, well.. for string.. i got a little too exited.  it was the steps up to the hall, and to explain myself.' she stopped, for to carry on was this prior desire to complete something for no evidence and without reason, to carry a message without an enjoyable purpose.  

'oh you do' the man was Arnold, surely not but that was his name.  no not at all, it was Pete, but if I called him Arnold, which I did, you 'd make a break all sorts of references and jokes, while Pete, in much the same way known as an artifact, is simpler, and simplistic is what we need at this doing in our character development, if and as easy to can, and be developed, as in a photographic memory.

'i forgot to mention,' he continued, 'to the forgetfulness of repetitious behavior, the preceding point slowed down the message, and so, and speeding up again,,'  he stammered.  'its audience is to know during, and further after, and on its own before, get it?'

'of course, this course, discourse 101, is that how you talk?  I'd like to say more, if you'll allow it'

'well it is a lecture, and I am a lecturer, and this is my hall. and you are half full with a sandwich.. an animal no less, and I can hear it from here.. is it alright?  delicious?  goes well with my ramblings about string that you had to bring and devour flesh in an audible range of my thinking?' 

indignant was a word, which he truly was not, but now that he thought, he was, and again naught toggle bot, etc.

'oh yes, the flesh is delicious, its from my favorite animal, did you know it?  you said you could hear it? well enough about you.. well not really of course, 101 was it? good I'm entry level for the right spot.. do you really mind if I finish my sandwich, because I came to eat and listen and if eating messes up the message somehow, then that's ok too because like I said, I really came to eat this sandwich.  and its lunchtime.. and you're talking which is good and that helps me think and that's how I eat, by thinking.  gut feel and all.  its quite delicious just thinking about it, and that helps me digest too.. so thank you for letting me talk, and that's quite good too.. ' she looked at a bag of chips in her bag.  the man looked down through his speckles, now that he's just put them on.. 'maybe later', she took her eyes off the chips.

Pete placed an apple on his desk, well, somebody had, earlier, but he gently gestured to it by putting his spectacles down on the desk somewhere near it, and in fact the apple was perhaps not his gesture, it was that slight, but she knew it was.  and she thought about how apples were better than chips, and that maybe she should listen.  to what, she wasn't yet sure, and surely, that was a good point, as her gut needed something to feel, which, as she states, is why she's here.  besides that she needed the credit.  101 credit, so we're just starting out here.  oh perhaps its day one.. perhaps it always is.. 

'well, we hope. . .' boomed our lecturer just a bit dramatically, for without his glasses  'that secondary pieces of chocolates will not be found in the rectory once again as they were last Tuesday in the prepondering moments of ondulous asides from classery obligations, voiced only by peers who wanted to know: would it be provided next week?'  'well provided is what we do to. . ' well that tone altered the room a bit.. the women was confused and so, naught, was the boy across and back the hall a bit, who shuffled around and began writing a note, of which we might ought not know, except that we ee him writing it, and hunched over with his bag as if he's about to leave, and has some hidden message to pass along, muggishly, as if that's a word, and just what is the message to write? 'see you in 3 hours, best' or 'the answer is twine, and balls on this one' or 'jeesus was a hotrod' we can go this line of questioning about the message, noted written, well perhaps, or naught and yet, the message wasn't any of these things.. it was a chocolate wrapper.  'mmmmm.. chocolate'  the young person dropped the wrapper and walked out of class.

'its not your class. . . ' . . . 'I'm worried about, its your character' he continued, from around the apple.  he now picked up the apple, polished it with his know known cardigan, which he puts on for this class to appear as known to be a lecturer, and . . .

'nice apple, can I have it?'  another girl piped in with a bag of chips straight from the street.  well the cobble alley which was the outside of this hall

the ham girl stopped and winked at her. 'its my apple' she said... its for listening. shhhh..

'quite.'  the man looked at the bag of chips, and up at the young lady, who was taking off her black purse and placing it around a chair, and folding up neatly her now empty bag of chips, which she placed in her bag.  the notebook came out, and opened to a very neat set up triangles and curly drawings done in blue pen, mostly.  'perhaps madam apple will catch chip lady up at the next recess, for now we're briefly and only mentioning the topic once more, the slated lecture is in fact, string theory, and by theory I mean loose, and by string I mean thusly that as well, and tight as our time is naught, we now have ham and chips in the room, and likely that will disrupt the thinking for myself and the duration of others for the period of time it take me to find the character to end this sentence.'  he looked up to an empty desk towards the back of the room.

'oh.  did I miss the beginning?' she turned to ham and then apple.

'moving, as a continue-ating does, is' he paused.  

'not a continuation if you pause,' gently said the young women, who is very likely the chippy one, and only possibly the ham sandwich girl, who we like better because she was first, and because she winks, and its only possibly her because she hasn't said anything, and she's usually quite interesting, or so we imagined, and she is.

'I find this meta discussion without words the most, and interesting with my ham', it was decided.. that was the chip girl talking about continuation.  the man, while still gentle, was not looking up as much, and so his character assignments were quiet and just a bit muddled between now two girls interested in this class, of 101, which is hardly, and still, naught, drat, the point.  and he moved slightly.

'to take into account, proves in imagination of such an account, as a placeholder to keep what exactly what one chooses to take, and to put it where?' 'in the account of, multiplied, by and that meaning, of again, etc'.  'the string is in-between as well, and can be measured as taught, taught, and words beginning and ending with the letter T for our purposes, and purposed is the part of this bit, which and that is string' 'to describe it any more would be exemplary, by example that is, to be exemplar, would explore the example in a very keen way to be kind, of, in like, again'

the two were talking with each other now, which was good for the conversation Pete was having with himself.  he walked over to the chalkboard, and realized this was a lecture hall and there was no chalkboard, and so, he began thinking of all sorts of things to prove a point he had not yet decided on, and it was definitely not in his nature to place the apple in the center of a now not yet to be known briefcase, and simply walk off. to prove, oh if only his briefcase had straps, for the apple.. white straps, like a mental wrap, yes. what were those called again?  too much thinking.. he tapped his pen against the desk.. metal.. that bit.. the pen... the desk was wood.. and the paper.. not a lot of it, this was a shared hall and it was early in the year.  i wonder should I get a green pen to grade papers? do I have papers this year?  he looked up at the notebook chip women with blue handwriting he had not seen, but imagined.  maybe. or not. its soon to be closing this class, just perhaps a word, after a motion, he thought.

'well this is odd,' 'I'm Mary' 'of course you are,' the notebook shifted to her right 'and that's your apple.. i guess I'm ten minutes too late, this bag of chips was mine' 'she pointed to her purse'. 'so much better to bring something you haven't brought, yes?'  'yes'.  they were chattering on the same line so as not to disrupt the rest of the paragraphs around them.  quietly they transferred out of simple dialog and into a discussion about the triangles in her notebook, and how they related to the small furry rodents that she, Mary, had been talking to this morning over a bit of cheese, for the rat.  it was unknown which to bestow the cheese on now, but the rat of course, and the purse opened.

'noooooo.. raaaaaaaats... hereeeerree' pete was now standing on a chair in the front, or rear, of that hall by perspective to if you're learning or teaching, or neither, and a rat did in fact run up around the chair and to the women, who dropped the cheese, and the rat ran out.  

the man stared. 'that never happens'

'it always does, when you want it' the purse closed and the rat banged a pipe on its way down the street, pouched up with.. what was it.. 'a Gruyere. yum.  rats aren't known for their good taste, but who knows a rat, eh?'

'you do certainly. ok. ' he straightened up and started speaking to the back of the class.  'women who feed rats cheese in my class are not allowed.' looking down at her 'I'm going to post that'

'its only a bit of cheese, and I didn't bring it for the rat, the rat brought it for itself.. it always works like that.. god loves rats, didn't he tell you this morning, on that bit of pipe right there, surely you've been listening while you speak about string?  the theory is just over there and its that fed rat walking out like king while we're completely clean and my chips are away, and the ham sandwich is somewhere, I can't tell, because its ham, and its chatty, but slow, and wow so what did you think of us today?  you had string, the rat had cheese, string cheese, is that what you're trying to say? chip away at it? be a ham,  etc?'

'this isn't code talk, its literal non literal language, are you taking notes!?'  he peered into the women's notebook.  'this isn't a note-taking class, its an.. or maybe it is' he looked at the triangles and carried on 'the ham was how we identified our first offender, non offended by that which would be described about her later, which was never in fact, and now is and cause past tense, which you'd get wrong or different if you read it twice, which you won't and shouldn't because there's no taking notes, but you can draw, if that helps, but not on paper'  he put his pen in his pocket, after clacking at it a few times.

the characters assembled themselves.. we didn't leave them, they are left, for us, and that is a continuation and a wondering, but surely not by wonder, that the rat has more to say and love, and the woman may think like a ham for a bit, and choose naught some meat on the next round, and that the chips which the woman ate may be lays, as they are yellow in a bag, and perhaps she'll be painting her toenails and thinking about it later in the evening, or by a window in the kitchen from her flat in a portion of her city which looks across and around at other houses . . .  and we'll leave it at that, for while we expect that the next bit will be work, it will, and will be enjoyment if completed, and it never it, and so this problem remains to be unsolved.  good morning.

they all got their things together and left the room in approximate and juxtopposite motion and time.


proceeding this is a just cause to look around and warble at the facts and treasures at your disposal, and that is: the book - a wizard's pocket, now justly available on the deviciveness of technology which has made a maid naught clean up billions like a stock in market, hammed up as in sandwiches provided for the reader if purchased on amazon dot com, justly named for a place to destroy as in the world, or more really because it was a common word not used in the dotcom nomenclature to that date, and as generic names were... well in any event -- the event if fullness of then and thus and readers should note, that rats don't eat paper, neither the characters on a digital dot, and unlimited thus is your time with me, if you find it now, and purchase a one and a lemon, again, a wizard's pocket by moi, aqua q, from the aqua q labs as a produced work of infinitality and providing for the adjustment of our minds in the spacings we desire.  the book. beginning. middle. and end.. Q c 3 w with love


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