
the ex said, pected was desired in the past, yet again, is it just me?  a plain desire to please, lease a spot light of time gravity whirly ooh and spray it on the walls, layered like chocolate cake to pass onto the surfs, surfing, not to eat, but to pay taxes. gack.

thoughts coupled with intent plus images define the shapelyness of the ionic placenta pea sized brain bits that warble the heart, and vice versa.  it is precision which is physics, and a meta universe that secretly, as in quite quietly public to an unwatched, unnoticed, ignored, or quietly adored portion of a consciousness which is spelled correctly. ah. hah.

it will always be the feet which grip and move, like a station, stationary, as in to stay, stray, star gaze the idgets to fidget, or go to market, and then brace up for the all the way home.

searching for nothing yields a question of will this be or does it fit into the space of everthihng kind of oddity which is common in writing to an unending portion of a cerbral contextual synaptic haptic feed from the back up and kind, ya know.

a pause is just, only to divert or fill annoyed or otherwise sidestep a difficulty in breathihng for the warden who keeps the keys and jiggles a lock to the tiny room you're trying not to get stuck in, as in the den of bones which was in that story to scare addicts of the type which needed it just then.

and so we put on a bit, or eight in a row, to byte and megasize the meal of music, oh that is, is simple to justify, and ice freely as in a glacier which settles atop a warm planet for just a spot, of rest in its expanse.

bass tones ring to wake our psyche not to think but to move, your astral, back up and rock and roll like a baby carriage returned to that spotless child, or feckled freckled naught, in either way, it was a writer typed, poetry on the selectric machinery in a room less traveled, imagined and put to paper yay.  incredible, and not to be disturbed much, leaves as they prefer to be called.

and so we skip, as childhood has no literal continuity but a reassuring basis to believe we exist in a past space time, and of course we do - able to bring past into future even, oddly, but no reversing, unless you mean to be mean and rewrite a childhood, of which positioning of positives may upset another possible and thus unbalance a whirly bit or otherwise.. well you get the idea. . . free as in ion.

to say one thing and think another is our own little trick to multitask, essential and like and perfect is to say an exactly relatable think using trust in a dictionary which we wrote down in jest, to test the joker out as he was speaking to us, much like today.

commonality found us, as in the local where frocks hung near places to sit and just that - to list, and then, yes, listen. the carry on and on, with base stems of flowers, or glass, or a brain, no matter and all the time.

resoution finds lights, closer, brigher, conceived to use words to begin, full stop has angles and large letters, like the postal kind without the wait, foot stamped, a foil-ed imprint on a license to drive home and parklet your trees for a bit of air and grassery.

an escape velocity like a mach apple pie, is the carlton, sounded with streams or jets and burble.  is it salted?

so EMTs tap left and right into veins, as they do, and train on talk down, to an unwitting and semi unwilling new entry, with what choice but to deliver an opposite via radio. override.
it was a curvy ride with faux back mirrors, where are we going? windy wound up, into a plain garage, parked diagnoally with convincing not to bolt out, as I tried, as the doors closed.. and more to that, blue room, but not tonight, smiles.

we made it out, or in, or about, and while, and further, and played, and ate at the piano in the dark, so time it is again, as always, ya know how that goes, as its passed, and past, and gaseus wit is at us again - food for thought, eh?  always a key for a lock, without vices, and verses to digress, digest, gesture split tried bi and twice, twer it a longer day, we'd be short again, of night.


and in this episode, the louder character was typed black keys with white text, at an angle of star which indicates a chart of permanence, astrally speaking, in a hypo-thesis of once more, and oohs, just over there, and a bit more, yes, that's it settle naught and tease a paddle boat not to sink near the arcade without power on a pocket full of change.

until next time -- imagine with images -- from wherever you are, as here you hear the voice of aqua q on the light bright pegboard over punched paper, just for tonight.  and san francisco.


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