english spins

english, sat, as in the test, teste, taken oddly, on a saturday, in half and half, with coffe, and problems in words too, just like, and languished language.

so 1700, is that the time, or scores of music the mentor plays while they watch the soccer game you've drawn out on the geometry page, for which, and by which.

the electrics are out, and about, and for the meaning, the antagonist is the annode, diode that walkway, then perform, like a pro, tag you're it, carry on forward and in reverse with a movement like the wind has no matter, just energy, as it does.

the smattering of air which is cleared, stays like thunder for the waveforms of brainular activity to be just, just again and again, forth or less, and so and so just wrote about it.

and so we cross.  up a hill, pushing a cart for a man in a wheelchair, just for a bit, past the mucky ooh, and so on we go.

and now, is still, a bit of self.

the exchange. is temporary and displaced for the purposes of adjustment of an after thought, still yet to happen, if time permits, which, in all honesty these days, you need to go down to the metropolitan to get a pass, passed what point you need to go, eh?

nonsense, oh yes, it is without, a sense or even the sicular cent, as in pressed for time money, a copper wire spun out of bounds onto a patch panel that was meant for somebody, until you saved it for another or put it in a jar on the dresser.

the motion then required, to obtain sentinel, from a watchtower, armed with just arms, is vary akin to, your brother or sister, for some reason, and another or.. now just what does that mean?  oh its just the middle part.. the average bits that continue to be artificial on their own, or with an assist of the autopilot which ejects at the first sight of on oncoming. . . headlining act of kindness perched wildly like the continuation of continuum, full stop.

preceeded by a meter, is a square inch, if you give or take, or tell or give the time of day, at night even, oddly that people still ask, what with the sun on a pretty regular schedule.  but that's rude.

now that the weather is upon us, as it often is for the chatter of idleness as transport from that train of thought to another, we need a balloon.. . a right bright lit one, with tons of.. well just the weather.

the pauseticular is inparticular impaticular, and such, goes nowhere, special or naught, you know as well as I, that a continuation of nothing is a hard way to start the day.

so this is your english, is it? read by the book, I see, that dictionary, where did you start, at the beginning? and yay, talking to nobody in particular, the apple, as it prefers to be called, has a color on the complete opposite side of the book, funny that, you'd think they'd put them in groups.  but anyway.

so brief.  we're at a stop, because we're still, still, and the body moves, and the moves are non-transact and cost, and cost others, but mostly the group, and this is known to the effects of a buildup of want to travel the body, or mounted group of bodies for the equalization of the whole equation, both on the electrically composite opposites, in metal and earth, but also that tune of the organs, not just, in this case, and chakras one, and further, but the real matter of primary, heart, to say.  or not to say but feel, or not to move, but fly, indeed. the h2o is moving towards another place, out, and a container of containers should be able to breathe into it, just like a plant-ed foot, and toes do zig zag or the other one, which was it? the wog? carry on.

to know is no joke, that to be stuck is fly paper for a very messy reorganization, anchors up an all that, but only for the purposes of, purpose towards others and the maths again? think naught, action is heady heed of the autumn kind, for some reason, moments, etc.

and so it goes. some more.

the voice of aqua q from this isle of the western spiral is here and about live for the purposes of this transmitory issue of strange, in san francisco. c 3 w


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