Blood Shapes (us)

blood lined lines the halls walls coveted spaces between sugar smacks, rich and beating from the organs of must, dusted off for the purposes of Oz.  bear with me, ions flow A C D C prickled not but accepted through skin and bone not by will but by law of nature, it is your job to be in the right places.  signal as you might, interferred with keys and levers into a software managerie ooze, causing the unknown to be known in an eternity of nothing, while concurrency fails in the simplest of ways, upheld by the redundant systems of man, woman, and child.  for the purposes of a just and willing life, shed not, laugh much, sleep the day away that's ok because we're all woke in this time, spacially and for good, or the nescecity of good, as we now know, is given to us by the grace we desired, in the very very first, second, and third places, we wanted it so much that we wanted it more without action, to perish, heed take anguish away from solitude and unite yourselves in wild mad hatter deckings of cards in your very own garden, in a city known to you.  live that for me, as I will in recipricality and forward to the next, and back again, weaved like a pearl, perfect is its unperfection, except. when measured by its merits of sheen, specular and tactility.  yes this solumn endeavor pairs and marrys to a string of pearls, ring around that blessed head strong wind, which drives us forward, and onto the same again, if it pleases us, in an entirely new way.  space that.

a message via space and time sensitivity, yours always and truly, aqua q and his accompanying character witness, c 3 w san franisco.


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