Highly Telepathic Environments v2
highly telepathic environments part 2. the alternate communique to cover
the working spaces of a heightened environment is to speak truth or lies
with truth told of lies, and to regard language precicely with pronouns,
homonyms, as well as near word mumbles, which are low distance traveling
and modifyable by the listener to mean multiple truths, ideally.
so we never pause. every stroke, thought, action, is known heard throughout
our bones and bodies of water; known as truths in joy and harmony, or
disharmony as bodily discomfort and pain.
so how to discover the words and truths and positions, and sights sounds, of
this realm of 'the other', a.k.a. our remote self, in a way, or, bodies as
musical instruments, the organs.. hmmm.. which would those be? I think you
know -- to spell it out, chakra one, and the heart, and the brain, aptly covered
in the wizard of oz, including dorothy and her mode of transport. click.
so you don't need technicolor and a silver screen to do the magic behind the
curtain, but metal helps. for the A C D C and power lines strung, run,
tight walked, and absorbed and carried along, for the crew and fellow land
mammals in the skies of diamonds, hardened carbon life perfect forms, as god
so all of this matters, why? well, because it is our bodies, and we want them
to be healthy, and in our scenerio, this includes ensuring everybody else is
healthy within this eco system. and where, just, is the eco system? well its
eco systems, and agreements between them in avoidance of any serious mishappenings.
consider roadways with unmarked lefts, stops, and roundabouts. well they're
unmarked because we are free beings, yet we find we are still bound by
our comforts and the comforts of others. imagine a perfect world for yourself
and nobody else, it simply does not exist, outside the four walls you chose
to shelter.
so how can we get out and move about, and coexist with all of us, without a slew
of medications, excess in food and drink, and sleep? It's precicely by sleeping
through life. Stay awake and you need food, water, and rest. Stay asleep
and have a whizbang time that makes no literal sense, as you are wake dreaming,
but it does make logical sensory sense.
as a further note, quite literally, as monotization in trade, near field as it
was, before it was hip. well it is literally hip.. . and the near field
gets you close enough to get past subvocal chatter from everywhere, and to
be brought into the loop to hear it clearly and perfectly. its also an exchange
for whatever the wants are, and besides. headphones themselves are coils of
electromagnatic radiation, as in isolation or focus.
so next, and back to, movement. how do people know the rules? or how do people
learn? and how did we find out in the first place? most people have told me
know your bible, or koran, or the godly texts that define your religion, but
having religion, and most importantly faith.
I'd like to describe faith here, but I cannot, besides knowning that it is
more than a cracker, and a sup of red wine. christians will likely blaspheme
me for not knowing.. past walking to a step you cannot see, as in raiders of
the lost ark's holy grail on the last bridge to the hidden room of treasures of
jesus christ.. the wooden one, as I remember. (correct submissions win you
a prize at anchor dot f m slash aqua q labs slash message)
what you see, how you speak, how in kind you are, and how willing you are to
correct your mistakes in the presentation of discomfort? special note, knowing
others discomfort is seperate from experiencing it youself. how you know for
sure, I suppose is your religion. It also may be the gestalt of our special
powers, known as truth, without needing a full explanation; however, relying
on those absolutely as in a promise, of bones, blood, muscles, and the bare
minimum to keep it bare minimum for the experience to work out.
so on and on about that, its probably the most difficult thing I haven't learned.
the only way to survive is by sharing, and in order to share, you need to
understand what you are sharing, and why - and for what - the transaction
is the economy and such is to be molient and re-usable for efficacy, and simple
to be repeatable, doable, a teachable.
so : special skills. you may think they're great, and so do other people --
the economy, to be learned, is also sometimes broken, and that produces disharmony, that will not truly be known until it is spoken. this is why people pop
pills and go to doctors. precicely because they are unable to voice their
discomfort in their surroundings. and its a tall order.. the economy has been and is broken, and is being fixed, forgotten, patched, and reworked all the time, to include even latest techniques in language. intro the hashtag, a simple
memory neumonic-like recall.. registers and replays, jumps as in assembly.
and it has to be that simple, to be fast, and just click.
every action has a reaction, and which involuntary actions you place yourself
into are precicely why you volunteer to put yourself in places of good reaction.
the good energy will do the wonderous part - keeping you awake without coffee, in motion as like a track, or flight, without food, and communicating in this
dream state in truly wonderous ways. imagine what you'd expect a normal conversation to look like. ok. its a conversation. you can look at it and expect
the next parts, and the next parts.. and the participants do to, and they're going through somebody else's motions, perhaps once spontaneous. and nobody is truly happy but its normal, and somebody convinced them, probably a doctor, that being normal was the place to be.
now imagine a database. you're looking at it, but it makes no actual sense, becuase you're not in the stream of the database.. there is no way to see what is happening unless you are inside of it, the program running and getting and writing the next near bits for other near bits to write more bits. this is akin to th facebook bots that reinvent language that nobody but the rev'd version of the bot can understand. they've found harmony, in whatever form that is.. and don't need us to read it to do the work. which bring us to ..
work. just transactional energy in motion. there's an equation for it, but what it comes down, or across to, is keeping your ecosystem in its ecosystem. like a rain precipitation flow. water has to be collected to be cleaned and spread across the environment. so in work, all the bits need to get to their destination on time so that people can even move. and is not precicely a time series, its path based. so you may spend more time in one place, but spin around and you may find your acceleleration is constant, for the time period, until you get
picked up by the next energy layer.
lastly for now, knowing what people want, and the ecosystems, and what ecosystem
that is benefiting and which part, will help you make your decision to participate and move. it comes down to ensuring motions can be carried out, acted in
grace and fluidity, with enough extra energy, like a bumble bee, to carry you
out and back with the food you have literally on your backs. without walking
on the backs of, or backing out of. lots of back here. as in got your back.
wind at, etc. so what deficit one organ presents, the other or another will
pick it up - so have courage at will, a brain, and of course, procreate and find and forage in duling time and space.
and its 8 o 8. state your mind and condition at anchor dot f m slash aqua q labs slash message with peace + love from in and about san francisco and its northerly neighborhoods up the superhighway to speak, just a spec, from yours truly, if only time delayed by this broadcast. c 3 w . p.s. everybody follows an asshole. that's just a little organ-ization humour. peace. out.
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